Fake Jew Goldberg Suspended For Holohoax Wrongthink

Fake jew Whoopi Goldberg, real name Caryn Elaine Johnson, has been suspended for 2 weeks from her gay tv show that only women watch for saying the Holocaust was "about how people treat people" rather than racism.
They didn't suspend her for faking her ethnicity to advance her career, a blatant act which indicates that she knows jews get preferential treatment. No, they suspended her for trying to cancel out some jew privilege points by saying the Holocaust was a white people thing, whites on whites, and thus implying that jews aren't special people to be worshipped.
Let that sink in.

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How is that retarded show even still a thing? Who the fuck is watching it?

Could they, Any Forums? Could her comments really help us?

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I think it's more fitting to call her Poopi Goldberg

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You can almost hear the sniveling jewish voices emanating on the wind from L.A. and Jew York, whispering "How dare this fucking kushon??? We accepted her, we made her rich, we put her on tv, and this is how she repays us??? Fucking schvartzes, stupid animals can never be trusted!"

House nigger got Whoopi'd by massa

Republican cancel culture strikes again

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Thats there role is all this, if they were genuine they would stand whoppi.

Remember the Afghanistan withdrawal, what did republicans do?
Introduced abortion legislation to pull attention away from the executives fuck up. The uniparty strikes again.

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How dare she imply that Jews weren't the ultimate victims.

Peak clown world. I wonder how long kikes can keep the charade up

whoopi goldberg didn't say anything "antisemitic" she just said it was a conflict between two white groups. why are jews so upset?

Holocaust Denier Whoopi Goldberg.
Label it correctly...FFS.

She implied they weren't the primary victims through a targeted attack

Whoopie doopie she did a poopie

Could Holocaust Denier Whoopi Goldbergs comments helps us? I think so.
But not in the way she thinks...

>why are jews so upset?
It trivialize the holocaust, and it painted jews as white during a time where white=bad. That's why the jew media on both sides came out against her. Judea declared war against Whoopi.

shapeshifting kike does not identify as white in this scenario. white bull kills over racism, not decades of marxist oppression and well documented and valid ideological differences

Kike polanski raped a 13 year old and this nigress bitch called it "not a rape" and still kept her career. But muh holohoax? oy vey, too much dissent! cancel her!

> archive.is/RAeHL
That hash, kek

Because she said it wasn't about race, it was some shit between whypeepo.
It invalidates the whole reason which allows jews to play the victim card infinitely, by saying they were targeted as a race, not just some other white group that Germans had some beef with.

she is almost correct other than them being just some other white group and not a race. what people don't get, is that it could have been ANY group. it was the jews, so the jews were deported

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