I'm tired of seeing niggers, being around niggers, hearing their nigger music.

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Go to the pacific Islands, they are good people , hospitable and all of them can sing like angels.

Also devout Christians.

You just hang around the wrong jungle buddies

They're deliberately employed as a weapon by the liberal white ruling class to wreak chaos in the social, political, and cultural systems of the West. Can't unite to oppose woke capital if everyone is being driven insane with nigger psychological warfare 24/7

I dont have the vocabulary to describe how much I hate niggers

Black people are the biggest physical tools the globalists use to destroy western societies. Notice there are no niggers in Israel or China.

Throw away your TV bro, they'll cease to exist.

does anyways find it odd, how during the 90's all the music marketed towards white people was either about how sad and depressed you are or how much of a pathetic whiny loser you can be (grunge, alternative) or le quirky silly nonsense (barenaked ladies) or how much of an effeminate homosexual you can be while claiming to be in love with women(n*sync, backstreet boys), while all the music marketed to blacks was gangbanger masculine music about conquering your enemies and taking their women(rap), or smooth love ballads about how intimate your lovemaking was going to be(r&b) or outright dirty sex anthems?

does anyone find any off that odd? like it almost seems like there's a concerted effort there, behind the scenes

*does anyone

i feel the same way about fucking women as well. they're okay to look at, but seeing them EVERYWHERE lecturing you, telling you what is acceptable behavior. just... fucking being in every goddamn place with "female" energy(it's not, they try to emulate males so it's even more annoying) i'm tired off hearing about women's fucking "problems" and how hard they have it(we built them utopia and they resent us and repay us by accepting mass replacement of our people)

i miss the age of men being respected and being the dominant voice, when the fuck is it coming back? all i see is this nervous laughter, huhuh, m-my w-wife is my WORLD(henpecked husband)

it's like a 24/7 gut and dick punch with no recovery

just constant testicular abuse

Nature is your best out.

I live in Baltimore city, stop complaining.

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Mate be happy you weren't born in france

As soon as they are exposed to western culture they get exposed to nigger music and then they become the worst. Even worse than niggers. All the more reason to separate the species.

I've got bad news for you. It's going to be a long month.

I only experience that if I go on tiktok or certain weird places on twitter. Where the fuck do you live???

Awwwww, shhiiiiiiieeet.

Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?

I'd have to agree with you, i vacationed to Europe in 2018, niggers in everywhere in Italy, France, and Germany. It's either the rural midwest for me, or fucking Siberia at this point.

You don't get tired of hearing "BOMBA CLAD" and how they're convinced their most recent get rich quick scheme isn't just another nigger scamming them?

Me too no cap fr fr


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theres a lot of who feel that way. they should tread lightly