I’m wasting away In small town America

Fuck this life

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Where the fuck would you rather be? The city?

Hey Zachary Hoffman how are you doing?

Idk man. Just bored af here.

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good thread, same situation, idk what to do bro
I'm between jobs out of apathy.

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We need to survive. Fuck small bullshit clicky towns.

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But what’s the alternative anons? Ultimately, it’s those small towns you’ll need to escape back to once you have a family to worry about.

Goldilocks zone is 1-2hrs from a big but not massive city

Go to the big city then, pussy faggot.

already had a son. separated

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True, but how do you tell small town masons to fuck off. So you can thrive?

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I wish I was a small town American. I love spending my time in the mountains of Australia (if you can even call them that) but I wish I could carry a gun with me. Instead of going into the high country for weeks at a time with my bow I would spend my days in the appalachian mountains with a six8 razorback.

That would be so fun.

i love that John Mellencamp song!

big but not massive in a population or city example?

Be the next Washington, then.

And to add to this there are so many more bush foods in America. I can identify a lot of native forage here in Australia but you guys have it so much better. Your forests are FULL of natural food sources. I can ID mushrooms and and sorts of things but I am so jealous of you guys.

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What, so I can become a mason faggot?

Zachary hoffman you give such good advice. Zach knows about havibg a family. He just got married and is starting a new life! Hes trying to get his fledging music career off the ground. Any help you could offer by sharing this would be great

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I literally dont know how people live rural or in small towns. It's just not as dynamic and lacks hustle and bustle. I guess boring places suit boring people.

You burn down the Mason lodge, obviously.
So then you have every reason in the world to stick around.

Just not around a dystopian hellhole like LA/NY or niggerfied like Memphis/etc. Somewhere like the outskirts of Phoenix maybe.

you need to be 18 to post here

I don’t know how people can live in Canada, all the hustle and bustle of being a real country not being present really hurts the soul ya know?

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user you need a hobby.

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Maybe zach can teach you a hobby

Small town America looks like it can be boring but safe and comfy but American cities look like horrific 3rd world warzones

Phoenix and flagstaff are fantastic, terrain wise. kek chekd

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I am working to get to small town America.
The grass is always greener.

Trust me you don't want to be in large cities.

>lived in big city America
>Living paycheck to paycheck even though I was single with college degree and living in scummy area
>Threw away degree, got bullshit secretarial job Inna rural town.
>Even though paycheck was less, ends met so much easier.
>Could actually buy a house.
>Wtf, this isn't what the bureau of labor and statistics facts were telling me.
>rural cities have a lower cost of living, but THIS much lower?
>Find out all the bullshit ways they manipulate price indexes.
>I thought getting a job that used my degree would pay off for me.
>Find out all the bullshit ways the college degree v. income studies are rigged.
>Slowly realize all the lies that had been peddled to me.
>I can fucking walk outside at night without fear of cops or thugs.
>start secretly thinking that anti rural city and pro big city posting is a psyop.
user, are you a fed?

Who the fuck is Zach Hoffman

Boring sounds pretty fucking fantastic right about now.

They watch a lot of TV and movies.

you've fucking cracking it mate.

small town america.. get a job, cheap housing. or just buldge around on welfare and do whatever the fuck you want.

>I guess boring places suit boring people.

Of course you have to try and shame people into wanting your poison.

damn I might just stay out in the boons

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Hes a namefag that likes to make music and HATES being anonymous about it. But he loves you anonymous thats why he made music spcially for you.
He just married a roastie and just moved houses for his wifes kids.

And there are dudes in Indonesia that mine sulfur in an active volcano everyday because that's the best kind of life they could hope for.

Skip the rigmarole and OD on pain pills like the rest of your fly over throwaways.

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Let's trade places. You can have my 6 figure job in Toronto, my car and home. I'd love to move to small town America and do manual labour for shit pay. I hate this country, corporate culture and WOORKING and IMPROOVING for more useless gadgets.

>I'd love to move to small town America and do manual labour for shit pay

Do what I am doing, save\invest until you have enough to bail to a small town and not have to worry about the local economy.

DAmn based leaf

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Kek and a sympathetic cringe for your eternal seethe. Never change, user.
COOL FRIEND - “Loxism” (music video)

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We should all move to Robert Lee Texas and setup a White stronghold.

The land is cheap and only a small group of people could take over and run the whole town.

I'm moving to small town america in a week.
I cannot wait.

You have the fucking internet which contains more information than you could process in 10 lifetimes. You can literally learn to do anything you want. How the fuck can you be bored?

Yellow hands typed this.

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Looks like noctua poo fans
You want a poo gun
Poo in loo

As someone who was born and raised in NYC, it is/was worth it to grow up there. You learn to be street smart and the parties/poon you can get out there is great. But after 27 there literally isn't a reason to live there. Impossible to purchase a home and build a family. I literally just moved to TX last week and while this place is full of retarded overweight manlets that drive lifted trucks, it is less stressful and i'll be able to afford a house and backyard.

I know you like attention Zachary hoffman.

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Sounds comfy. Do you eat and drink well? How's it like there?

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hey what's up my man

You ever get those records pressed to physical yet? Wanted to order them

Give yourself something to work towards and don't let (((social media))) fool you into thinking you need an electric social life

Yes, my man. Check them out in the video below. They came out really great.
> youtu.be/8DnosXrFzrg

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It's not that bad. There are bad parts about it for sure. Every other person knows me or is related to me. All the females are either too young, too old, or related to me.
But it's really cool living somewhere you have a blood connection to. Being able to point at an apartment building and say "my dad got drunk and put his Ram Charger through that wall in the 80's!" is pretty cool.
The fact that small towns are often surrounded by rural areas is great as well. It's crazy how many secret fishing, hunting, hiking, chilling spots you can find when you're in a rural area.
Then get your ass over here.
You will drown in pussy. Not even joking. The second American women hear an Australian accent, their panties are drenched.
Also, you can discover snow. Having dealt with the shit all my life, I personally hate it, but you guys always seem to find it fascinating.
See if you can import a '97 or older Ute, and you could probably make a decent profit selling it to some boomer.
"It's like a newer El Camino!"

I eat pretty alright, I am trying to quit drinking and find a decent job. Fuck I’d take being a trash man over flipping burgers.

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Be sure to like and subscribe music by zachary hoffman.

Dont forget to buy a record. Those things arent cheap.

better than being gangstalked by a bunch of narcissists.

How about you shoot yourself nigger.

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