Were national socialists, socialists?

Were national socialists, socialists?

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Yes but they weren't communists


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No, they did not redistribute wealth (with the exception of jews), they did not nationalize industries, they did not seize the means of production. If fact, hitler actually privatized most public industries which is the opposite of socialism.

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One of the most pervasive and annoying lies that is accepted as truth is that the Nazis were right wing. They were worker's party socialists, but not quite full blown commies.

Yes, go read Prussianism and Socialism by Oswald Spengler, you unlettered frog

lmao, wrong on every point


No. The "socialism" tag just stuck because the party was originally a worker rights party which Hitler seized control of..

no they were not

No you can't be a non communist socialist. The soviet union under Stalin is an example of socialism being constructed and then in place.

Bullshit, the Nazis were in favor of big government governing the people almost as hard as the commies. Only a commie would think the nazis weren't commies because they weren't commie enough. Sure, the state didn't technically "own" the means of production, but they made sure that the means of production were owned by Nazi party members. Not really *that* big of a difference.

Not watching your schizo video. You have to have a very vague retarded definition of socialism to call the nazis socialists. Usually people who do just call all authoritarian governments socialist regardless of economic policies.

It was capitalist with ocassional internvention
Inb4 cope

What do you call a government that sets prices and wages and nationalizes industries that doesn't have business goals in line with the state?

This is true
Authoritarianism =/= communism

Socialism isn't a bad thing when it's NATIONAL. People should always care about his race, his people, not about retarded niggers from worldwide.

It was socialism in the Prussian sense, not the type of socialism that Marx outlined. I haven't read about it yet so I can't really tell you the difference, but I know there is one.

He didn't nationalize anything

They didn't redistribute wealth and didn't abolish private property so no. Everyone was required to work though in order to participate in the social perks provided by the government. It was really like our government now only the government was more powerful than the corporations instead of the other way around like it is now.

Yes, they were you fucking retard.

Socialism predates Marx by a very long time. The first Socialist theories were discussed around the French Revolution by Proudhon, it is a VERY old movement, and there have been many takes on it.
Marxism, and its close relative Maoism are both very specific strains of socialism, and are generally called "internationalist socialism" in comparison to National Socialism and Fascism which are both "nationalist socialism."
Marxism is a kind of """"scientific"""" socialism which explains all of history as a gradual movement towards the communist society. In comparison, Nazism did not and has never posited that the results of the revolution are inevitable or the result of an impossible-to-avoid historical process. They have always said that the Fascist/National Socialist state is the result of the deliberate efforts of the entire people and the men who lead them.

National Socialism is a form of socialism.
Socialism and Marxism are not the same. Socialism is a much broader movement than Marxism.
Everyone in this thread who says National Socialism is not Socialism will do it by comparing NS to the USSR and saying they're clearly different so NS is not Socialism. Every single one. And all of them are wrong for the same reason.

Why do retards think that socialism is necessarily Marxist methods in economic management? Even "communism" can be practiced in a different way since this concept was not invented by Marks. The National Socialists can be called Socialists in some ways, just as the USSR was not entirely socialist. These are just vague concepts.

>ITT: retards who have no idea why socialism and marxism are two different terms
not entirely their fault, the education system has failed miserably

It was capitalism

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Why are leftists so obsessed with Nazis?

Im not
I don't consider them a threat at all

Clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


only for their nation, hence the name
fed the homeless germans and all that

Yes. With modern conflating of communism and socialism, most people say no, but you need to understand what Socialism is. It's the government nationalizing industries and services that have to do with general welfare and health in order to improve and ease the lives of its people. Using a simple definition like that, as stated earlier, it's a yes

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The name came from his 25 o programme which turned out to be a lie

prussian socialism
anti internationalism, anti marxist, but they did give interest free loans, tax cuts to families, and improved working conditions. you could get a german made car with an interest free loan from the government. boomers and trumptards will say they were socialists to distance themselves from them, and they're right.

Just a bunch of autistic krauts falling for bolshevik kike tricks.

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Yes not international
That's why they took over France and poland

Any system where money is taken from the masses and used to help some aspect of the society it came from is socialistic in nature. Socialism isn't a bad thing by definition, just depends on the details (how much money, and where is it being spent)

Yes, but like all communist and socialist countries that came afterwards.. It was not "real" communism or socialism.
Marxism is the memetic worm.

no guns? are you retarded? almost every single german had a gun. and the only reason they had media control/censorship was to remove the jewish influence

wtf I love the democrats now. Didn't you miss the transgender and LGBTBBQ+++ identity politics on the right side of that graph? Nazis burned some books if I recall.

No. Socialists are incompetent retards. Natsocs are proud individualists.

yeah france and poland are international. youre a fucking retard.

Because they are illiterate, historically and linguistically
Nigger, half the US can't even read at a high school level. Literally 2% of the US can linguistically be considered "fluent" in English. It's so few that they don't even report "fluency" in language records, they just combine them and cap it at proficient.

Do you think people who can't even register as competent English speakers have the critical thinking to evaluate that Marxism is just the most popular a subset of a broader ideology that has wildly different interpretations across the globe?
It's not even a white/black thing. Even if you assumed that whites were unanimously the most literate, only 4% of whites would be able to synthesize multiple texts to determine their meaning

Nigger I have read Schmitt and Evola. It's not fucking capitalism you utter smoothbrain.

lmfao does anyone ITT even knows the NSDAP economic policies?

it was capitalism and socialism.

It was just capitalism with shit sprinkled on top

>remove jewish influence
my sides

You must have missed the part where Hitler was groomed by a bunch of kikes and put them away safely in camps while they only started dying due to allied bombing cutting off supply routes. Not a single prominent former party member stood up against Russian Bolsheviks concocting the holocaust and the net result was the greatest transfer of wealth, power and land to Jews in their entire history

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No spreading across your nations borders is national yep

Just say “no” like a big boy

In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service.

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>They were a homogeneous white country that weren't commies.

Fixed that for ya.

I honestly don't care about Nazi economic policy

Did you forget the German invasion into Russia? Is that what you mean by nobody standing up to the Bolsheviks?

Have you ever fucking considered that maybe the definitions of capitalism and socialism are so vague that it is completely and totally unhelpful to just say everything with nationalization is socialism but everything with free markets is capitalism and everything with both must be both? You fucking retard? You fucking smoothbrain? Has that ever occurred to you? In your fucking tiny lizard brain? That maybe your slapdash labels are not fucking helpful and need to be applied with more rigor than just "Thing look like freemarket so capitalism!"

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>no guns
Why are you lying, fren?

What can't you understand about Hitler being a Manchurian candidate with trauma and PTSD from WW1? Why can't you understand that every single idiotic and suicidal military decision came from Hitler being insane and demanding his ideas for the war take precedence over reason to the point his own men tried to kill him?

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