This nigga is QUADRUPLING down

This nigga is QUADRUPLING down

Attached: 1643759418768.png (1080x665, 226.43K)

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he threw all his best insults at the truckers now he's probably scared af

It's because he knows his career is over.

If he cucks to the trucker protest, his own party will destroy him. If he forcibly disperses the protest, he'll rile up the people and they'll never let him hold office again.

he is just mad that no one believes legacy media besides liberal retards

What the fuck is he talking about?

What a NERD.

nerds are smart by definition

>We condemn all the taboo stuff that we planted in the protest ourselves
It's all so tiresome.

Attached: d21.jpg (600x964, 77.62K)

no mention of the heckin catterinos?

Truckers not wanting vaccine mandates forced on Canadians obviously

I'll just leave this here

and you won't change shit, you'll go home, and be forced vaxxed in due time.

but not as smart as actual smart people

Why wouldn't he? He won.
Good attempt though, maybe something can come out of it later.

is this real? he retweeted ''racists'' again?

Are ARs being banned in March or may with the oic i forget

Are there any phobias and antis left to accuse them of? May as well just call them witches.

This cunt needs to be reminded who he works for. Just fucken bend the knee and comply you faggot, then everything can return to normal. Sound familiar?


Oh fuck I'm red. They're gonna get me frens

That's the confusing part.
Do they just randomly accuse people that disagree with them of all of the isms now regardless of context? Is he a robot?

This isn't a description of reality, this is an incantation to receive forgiveness from progressive jesus

>Do they just randomly accuse people that disagree with them of all of the isms now regardless of context?
uh, yeah.

Attached: joker5.jpg (900x600, 110.26K)

SJWs Always Project
SJWs Always Lie
SJWs Always Double Down

Attached: 1632116501314.jpg (508x835, 341.54K)

That seems to be the playbook, I think he's just buying time until he can claim that the truckers caused food shortages. Which is starting to work since people have a 3 minute memory.

Sauce you damn fag. This place is becoming a shithole.

Dohboy's employee has some explaining to do
Why would the libs not condemn blackface?


begging jews & niggers to save his faggot ass. is the gallows ready leafs?