thanks for playing :)

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's good when jews knock off the shapeshifting and admit they're not white after all.

My 2 cents.

Now the view acting like NAZI's. Keep it up, history will repeat itself.

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but whoopi goldberg says she knows in her heart of hearts she is a jew how could this happen bros

pic rel

Attached: fake-voltaire-quote.png (500x317, 78.72K)

>My 2 cents.

so does this mean the Jews *aren't* White?

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What did Whoopi say?

Jews are not a race

>ABC owned by Walt Disney Company
>Walt Disney Company CEO is Bob Iger
>pic related
But the harmful myth that jews control media is an anti-Semitic lie.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-01 at 19-04-33 Bob Iger - Wikipedia.png (434x80, 4.33K)

Who was hurt?

She said that jews are white.

Probably decedents of slave traders. Fucken kikes

Wayne, how's Guerneville? Lived in Caz for 5 yrs near the general store. Guerneville always bothered me because some locals didn't wear shoes at Safeway.

the beautiful jew took off her glass
and giggled and blushed
'i dont want to steam them up'
'when you kiss me'
'so i can check if your eyes are closed'
why would you check kid
it can only hurt
every time you close your eyes
doubt burps
does he like me
your doubt jew
does he like me
your doubt even when
im inside you
and your clutching and
sucking my dick
with your pussy

Bob Iger hasn't been CEO of Disney in like a year, he got replaced by the most monetarily jewish non-jew to ever live though.

are you actually the wayne lambright?

Two weeks.

The jewish foundation myth upon which the modern power structure of the Western world is based requires that the holocaust is the worst thing in history, that Hitler is the ultimate evil, and that jews are the ultimate victims.
By saying that jews are only whites and not a special race, the myth and everything built on it loses power.
For jews who have been destroying Western culture for a century it is literally a matter of life or death that they keep the myth alive.

Just two weeks? Why was she only suspended for four weeks? Six weeks is much too short a suspension for such hateful antisemitic rhetoric!

I can test Wayne with questions about the Russian River. I lived there for 5 years and Wayne is a local legend.

Interesting. His Wiki page is outdated then.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-01 at 19-12-31 Bob Iger - Wikipedia.png (1313x122, 8.87K)

>I'm known for discovering anti-gravity and the origin of gravity, which is a big deal.
proove it faggot. where is you8r antigravity device?

This is her exit. She won’t be back.

Oops, my bad.
Okay nevermind I guess ABC just really hates a black woman for no reason then.

Says was right there.

Voltaire didn't say that. A pedo white nationalist did.

they are not afraid people will say their opinions on popular shows, they are afraid people might realize talking heads are idiots that should not be listen to.

Attached: gjknvdnf5af81.jpg (1080x1580, 199.59K)

>two weeks

>The nigger learns her place on day 1 of black history month
Love it

Bitch ain't coming back

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It doesn't matter who said it, what matters is that it seems to make sense.

e621 comment colors. ABC knows EXACTLY what they're doing

Don't give in to the dark side, Guinan.

Tell them you have a cramp preventing any kneeling activities for the foreseeable future.

Attached: Duterte Bends the Knee to his Masters.jpg (1253x1813, 400.05K)

Yeah, totally my bad. Sorry I was literally shaking at the thought that a powerful black woman was being silenced that I wasn't reading properly.

What does this mean?

It do be, it do be...

Amazing that a person can say whatever they want about any other genocide in history and nobody cares, but even imply that jews aren't the biggest victims in history and the entire world turns on you. Weird. Guess it's a myth that jews are in control though.

Holocaust is a white genocide. Just about literally.

They know what's good for them. Jews are God's blessed Chosen, and the promises of the Bible are still in effect today. Whoever blesses them shall be blessed themselves.

So kikes are a separate and evil race. Based ABC!

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Are there no worker rights in America? Lol. "you said something so you're suspended for hurtfulness"

>She has stated that her stage forename ("Whoopi") was taken from a whoopee cushion: "When you're performing on stage, you never really have time to go into the bathroom and close the door. So if you get a little gassy, you've got to let it go. So people used to say to me, 'You're like a whoopee cushion.' And that's where the name came from."[15]
About her stage surname, she claimed in 2011, "My mother did not name me Whoopi, but Goldberg is my name—it's part of my family, part of my heritage, just like being black", and "I just know I am Jewish. I practice nothing. I don't go to temple, but I do remember the holidays."[16] She has stated that "people would say 'Come on, are you Jewish?' And I always say 'Would you ask me that if I was white? I bet not.'"
What the fuck? this nigger is weird

>Imagine having a Twitter account


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even by their own "numbers" they're still just less than 10% of total WW2 deaths. IIRC 4 million died in Indonesia alone.

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You don't fuck with the chosens, especially if you're just a dumb golem. There are a million other sellouts ready to take your place.

>getting suspended over a of fiction

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jurisprudence wins again

please do. we should not tolerate false Waynes on this or any web forum

Whop got da jood.
Bet that will learn her.

>listen fellow white people

Voltaire did say that. It's right there on the meme.

You have to admire the Jews. They have taken over 1/2 the world by literally screaming the loudest "WE ARE THE BIGGEST VICTIMS" and shouting down anyone who questions them.

If whites had this kind of racial unity, we would have conquered the planet.

I don't get it, I thought Jews always tried to pass off as being white. Now they're using it not to? What's their endgame?

>it's real
Kek, the honkening is really accelerating

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