Arranged marriages

What is your opinion on arranged marriages?

I want to be open to the idea but the feminazi indoctrination we all had since we were kids has made us develop a bias against it.

Is it really absolutely and completely bad?

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imagine your teenaged daughter marrying some sleazy boomer.
what do you think about it now?

It just seems strange to me. What if I get paired with a girl that resembles an ugly negro man?

Divorce is wrong because it says to death do us part meaning you're suppose to kill her.

its great

but only if shes still a virgin

our forefathers were right about those things

They work better than love marriages.

Yes, that is bad and should be condemned.
However, imagine your teen daughter marrying a red pilled guy in his late 20's who is a great man but hasn't had luck finding a wife.

What do you think about it?

How is someone ever supposed to bag a woman to have their children if it’s not prearranged? Seriously, I’m in my 30s and I don’t understand for a second how free-range marriage is supposed to work or how even free-range relationships even develop. It seems like a total fucking societal gamble and over time leads to the inevitable death of the population that does away with the concept of having guaranteed offspring. There’s going to be less white people in the world because nobody ever had my kids and thanks to the Jews, chances are some immigrant took the white woman that was supposed to be mine. This is how whites die off seriously guys we need to figure out how to stop this trend and get pre-arranged marriage back into play for the next generation before it’s too late for whites.

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Does he have money and to take care of her?

It's arranged so it won't be some "sleazy boomer", you absolute mutt. For fucks sake your country needs destroying.

A minimum of arrangement is a must I think.

Yeah it's not like I, the father of the bride, would have any say in an arranged marriage or anything

Arranged marriage is how you get Pajeets. Low testosterone beta autists aren't effectively removed from the gene pool with arranged marriage, so you end up getting a race of low testosterone beta autists.

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I remember being like 17 and talking with my best friend and we both agreed that arranged marriages make a lot of sense and the whole idea of sending young people off alone in the world to find a suitable marraige partner, while they're still struggling to build their own life, is extremely retarded

Even as a high school student I could tell baby boomers were staggeringly retarded and that older generations should be grooming their kids for success and helping them find a spouse. Instead we have this dumb retarded gay version of courtship and career building where every generation has to start from scratch (even though you know the elites all send their kids to expensive private schools and their kids aren't dating just anyone)


Right-wing cucks think pimping off your daughter is based.

found the virgin

You don't have to pay for a hole you don't fuck to eat anymore.
Simple as

didn't european countries also had arranged marriages for many centuries?

on the other hand, your daughter being gangraped by a pack of porch monkeys sounds horrible too.

For a very very very very long time pre-arranged was the norm in European societies. Even in as late as the late 1800s America, mail order brides were very common during the settling of the western frontier.

Does being a degenerate whoremonger confer legitimacy to ones perspective on matrimony?

arranged marriage is not the same as forced marriage
a woman should choose her husband... from a selection of men presented to her by her father.

post your neckbeard

Other way around, but yeah.