How do we fix architecture?

How do we fix architecture?

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Maybe actually make an effort IRL instead of posting image spam threads on Any Forums.

with an advanced knowledge of stonemasonry, but where can we acquire that?

Ok man, I'll start building my Neogothic skyscraper in my backyard tomorrow.
It never died and with modern tools it's never been easier.

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Exterminate all commies so they never do that again.

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It's not broken. shitty buildings = shitty people. there is no changing this fact

We can start by learning our true history, because ours is a lie.

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Architecture is being hijacked by a modernist clique
Fuck off, well-poisoning schizo

The answer once again,.
Its the jews.

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The invaders find themselves invaded and lumped in and made indestinguishable and uniform with their enemies who don't care about the nation they've been adopted into because animalistic nature?

Fall of Rome Volume 2.0? With the perpetrators blaming the victims in exactly the same way, using the exact same playbook they used to win 95 years ago?

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>Fuck off, well-poisoning schizo
Based as fuck. I have "plaster" filtered so I only get to see like 10% of these retard shills posting.

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It's not just the reds, user.
Sweden remained capitalist and yet picrel happened.

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nukes just start again

Get rid of America and Israel

Of course, and the same to the whole white west. But the specific case of your OP picture it was the commies.
And to be honest all the other cases stem one way or other from the same places communism comes from

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Yup, those plaster bridges were really strong back then.

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>Gain inspiriation from past neoclassical builings
>Design prefabbed stylized ridgelines, boarders of windows, columns, crests and other things with very minute details in CAD or some other modeling program
>Make statues out of concrete or limestone using molds made from fiberglass molds that you modeled in CAD
>Build it

That's all there is to it.

Tucker Carlson talks about this almost monthly lol. The soulless architecture is meant to demoralize a population.

Study stone carving instead of IT and work for same salary.

Does he really? Good, I hope more and more normies wake up to this. It's the easiest to see, all other changes are kind of less explicit, the degeneration of architecture is pretty obvious and undeniable. Actually this might even be their first proper red pill.

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Traditional: native workers who done it delicately by hand
Anti-Traditional: illegal or cheap workers who use machines and work based on architect's plan from multiple investments aka free market

What do you think mayors do for job? They do such things, think where to cut expenses and then always find ways for money to land in their pockets.