The scientific definition of white

If your nation had famous classical music composers, then you're white (at least some of your people)

Italian= white
Austrian= white
Germans= White
French= white
Czech/Slovak= white
English= white
Norwegian= white
Sweden= white
Denmark= white
Russian= white
Poland= white
Hungarian= white


Spanish= not white
Portuguese= same
Irish= not white
Ukrainian= not white
Greek= not white
Romania= not white
Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Finnish= not white

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that flag
>let me tell who is white

Are niggers white?

Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are rape, ultra-violence and Beethoven.

tell me more about the mosques in Birmingham, Nigel.

sure thing, mehmet



Let us know how it is being a minority.

all brits are a cuck's cuck.

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in amerixico it is yeah.

Tell me about how your great grea great grandfather was half Irish so you're a 1488 white supremacist, you mutt

seething mutt

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Here's an idea. If your skin is white, then you're white

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balkan people are white?

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Was gonna say this. Finnish.

Argentina is whiter than you, mutt. Keep coping.

Are they whiter than amerifats? Then yes, that should be the scope of your question. Are they whiter than mutts.

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Albeniz, de Falla, Granados great Spanish composers.

John Field was the composer from whom Chopin got the idea for his nocturnes. He was a great Irish composer.

No yugoslavs are technically not white, I am sorry

Music doesnt matter and it never did.
Just like that dumb bitch in the other thread said. Joe rogan fans are incels because they dont know who musicians are. Fuck music. Fuck people that think music is some kind of godsend thing. I can function in life fine without music.

so only slavs with germanic influence are considered white?

Irish people are so white they are translucent - the fuck you talking about?

No offence, but reminds me of the nigger thomas edison.

>If your nation had famous classical music composers, then you're white
>Finnish= not white

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Ok, maybe I will include them since Ireland is a small country. Irish people are pretty annoying, they vote democrat the most

I play his music, it doesn’t sound like a nigger wrote it.

No, I included Russia

I mean that its a hoax

Ask Londoners

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Oh. Liszt edited the Field nocturnes. They were well known at the time. Chopin played them to others. It’s not a we wuz story.

We went there with school to learn english but almost only talked with pakis indians and somalis
Mostly ordering american fast food didn‘t even eat british food

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