"Don't increase minimum wage! Prices will increase!"

Food prices go up 20 - 60% anyway and food size decrease 20 - 40%.

Why shouldn't minimum wage be $25 an hour?

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You are a conspiracy theorist.
You have enough tendies. Go back to your room

>Minimum wage doubles
>Price of everything immediately doubles


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Stop being antisemetic.

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>companies don't make any profit
>all the money is paid to employees
>if wages 2x, price will have to double to pay wages
wtf is this logic

Wagie goes from making $7.50 an hour to $15 an hour.
Dollar Tree: "Hmm... looks like we'll have to increase our prices 25% for every single item in the store."

>Why shouldn't minimum wage be $25 an hour?
It should, that's what minimum wage in 1970 was worth in today's money. I hate boomers so much, yes I'm a burger on a leaf vpn.

>Why shouldn't minimum wage be $25 an hour?
Because you'll price millions of low skilled workers out of a job, the consequences of which will be extremely damaging.

the thing is it goes the other way, prices go up and up but the wages stay the same or people have to threaten strike action and fight over a 1% pay rise while dickhead politicians expect the proles to be happy with that then give themselves a pat on the back and a 20% pay rise, you have ceo's running companies into the ground give themselves a 20mill bonus.

if its ok for politicians its ok for everyone else.

A minimum wage wouldnt be needed if we stopped sending blue collar jobs to china and stopped illegals from flooding the border.

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those price increases would be 200-600% if the minimum wage was $25

everything is already doubling. rent is 2x what i signed for 5 years ago

because unemployment would double

It was closer to 23$, but schematics...

Minimum wage IS for the lowest skilled workers, that is irrelevant. Doesn't matter what it is set to. However, the lowest skilled workers will most certainly be replaced with machines. Their jobs are good as gone. Where we go from there is the real debate. UBI? shitty idea unless implemented in a way the incentivizes companies to pay significantly more than ubi.

I've got a secret for you: Food prices have been kept down by government subsidies and decreasing pay to workers along the whole supply chain. Food is still underpriced as it is.

Make it a million dollars an hour, it doesn’t matter.
The dollar as a unit of measure only has relative value in proportion to everything around it, the actual unit itself is completely meaningless.

>It was closer to 23$, but schematics...
Probably closer to $30 to this exact month given the current inflation.

Those jobs sent to china were sent to be done by novel machines, not people. Companies did not reinvest in new technologies to keep their factories relevant and cut the costs when it was too late and sent the work away to be done for less. With shipping factored in, it would have been cheaper to have kept the work here, but they sat on it too long.

That isn't food.
Fresh veg and meat haven't changed in Ireland. Learn to cook

Who knows. Again, schematics. Point is min wage is no where near what it used to be.

That literally happened to my store. It's now $1.25 per item

>Doesn't matter what it is set to.
Correct. Setting a so-called 'low wage' to any agreed and enforced value is what prices low-skilled workers out of the workplace.

Nobody gives a fuck about Ireland. The only shit I eat from there are Lucky Charms.

It's too bad you only sell 29 items an hours.

Nobody is "against" minimum wage increases. Some people just recognize that if you increase minimum wage jobs for shitskin fast food workers, everyone else's wage should also increase accordinglyw0ro4.