Fuck this Jewish world

I'm 19 and I'm a few bad cigs away from hanging myself.
I have no friends or girlfriend.
My family hates me.
I don't want to live like this anymore.
I hate getting exploited by jews at my goddamn job. This world is a clown world. I'm not even redpilled anymore just black pilled at this point. If I died no one would give two shits.

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Some Nigger better not post the hotline. That shit is authentic as button nose on a jew

You can become my slave if you want to have a good life. I will take good care of u !

Try asphyxiation gases such as argon. It's a painless way to go.

get saved; suck going from hell on earth to hell below

Fuck off nigger

Tant pis pour toi !

Can I die after that?

why would you kill yourself and not the ones causing you trouble ?

get off Tik Tok and Any Forums little man. you've clearly let your world revolve around conspiratorial internet trends.

It's impossible to attack all the Minecraft villagers especially with iron golems everywhere.I just want friends and a lover at this point.

Improve yourself, use your time to study a discipline or at least something you find worthwhile. Focus on the bigger picture and consider realistic plans on what to do with yourself.

Since you're already an exile, you may as well try to find ways to make extra cash and ultimately your plan to gtfo. You have youth, use it.

Also, stay the hell away from pic related. Its an overpriced shithole.

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I have nothing else in my life. Any Forums and video games are my only source of dopamine.


its not impossible, its just hard and risky, and you dont want to do it
same thing with having friends and a lover
its not impossible, it just requires you to work on becoming and interesting person, but you are taking the easy way out to blame others for your shortcoming

video games are fine dummy, just drop Any Forums, tiktok, and your other social media death pits.

If you're serious about getting better you oughta drop this thread rn. Don't reply anymore. Otherwise you're just crying for attention

Revolt against the modern world, that's what we need to do.

Convert if you haven't already, Christ is the answer user.
Pray the rosary too.

Attached: pray_the_rosary_anon.jpg (794x1046, 103.9K)

Go join the army with an 18X contract, if you make it you live, if you don't make it then you can kill yourself, just make sure your SGLI money gets sent to a pro-white organization like that national alliance.

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Wrong board, dipshit.

Why the fuck would die Jews?

Step down soldier. When you're feeling better again we'll call on you. Listen to white classical music and visit historical sites. Go on your own and get better.

yeah the world is shit but youve gotta keep trucking, brother

Don't do it, don't hive in to those cunts.
Take four weeks, walk in nature, sun or hail daily.
Do some lifting, meditate and forget about women for now.
If your in the north get some vitamin d.
If you seek male company join a boxing\ karate club (don't spar).
I love you.

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If you're white, don't do it. If you're not white, thank you for your service.

>I hate getting exploited by jews at my goddamn job
Learn to code. Be your own boss. You're 19 and have all the time in world. A man with a goal is never sad.

>the way out of the kike world is to follow kike fiction user
go kill yourself

Fuck the jews, just get on with your life you're only 19. Take a break from your job for a week and look for others, maybe you need a change and you may befriend someone at new job.
Family suck at times, maybe stay away for a few months and then visit to see how things are, giving up your life is what the jews wants another sacrifice and victory.

18X = learn how to make stuff go boom like pict related.

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I was just like you until I found Allah brother
it's never too late as He is eternal

>jungle spic trying to tell people what's fiction
kek like your other posts in the thread, I think you're gonna get ignored. Nigger spic

I will pray for you too bro, it's really fucked up to be a anti-christian faggot.. Don't worry, we are praying for you.

>gonna get ignored
says the mutt while replying

500 iq bro