What year where you considering yourself "based and redpilled'"

2017 for me.

i became fully aware when when trump bombed syria while breaking every promise

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Shariablue shill GTFO, Trump didn't do that

he did. dumbass


Who's paying you retards? Show me proof he did what you claim, Trump even said he doesn't want to interfere and wants to end the wars, he pulled out

he bombed 2 important places in syria.

One killed a Iranian general who is a thread to his beloved pissrael.

The other was a airbase after a "gas attack"

not spending time on you fag. even wikipedia admits it

I've known about AIPAC since like 2006, well before coming here. Then by 2015 I knew all about the holohoax and FBI Table 43. It was 2017 when it all clicked into place

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we are with so much more than back in 2016

Way back when my mum pulled me out and we escaped communist Hungary to live in the west. And found out first hand it was actually worse.

Last summer I got fully redpilled on almost all aspects of life

Trump betrayal (it should have been obvious, but we were naive)

>I'm based
This is so dumb and egomaniac...

In summer 2001, before I even hit puberty. Started piecing things together after being molested by a gay freemason military officer that my parents thought they could trust.

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Shut up you toothpaste newfag nigger

(((muh syria!!)))

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2012 When king NIgger Obama said that "Brown and Black children are the future of America" At that moment I knew the world was absolutely fucked.

when i lost my virginity

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When Robert Mugabe became based.

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Imagine aktchually being so butthurt over dead alwaite terrorists. Trump should have glassed Assad’s palace, blow the whole family back to the Stone Age, and then 404 the Russians there. OP is obviously a faggot because “based and redpilled” doesn’t mean hacking off your cock to create a vagina.

2013, it sucks when you're one of the earlier people to get redpilled because then you have to wait longer for everyone else to catch up while you can clearly see how fucked everything really is.

Trump does not exist. Prove me wrong.

Taking the bluepill is the ultimate redpill