Is America going to turn into a idiocracy?

Apparently the most educated and intelligent are the least likely to have kids. Everyone knows black people and spics are having kids. We keep importing more blacks and spics. How is America going to look in 2050?

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It’s already happened. How do you think trump was elected?

Not now. Batin'

because you see it would have formerly been owned by Chuck, but the joke is that Sneed owned feed and a seed but Chuck didnt own anything so he never had a store

more like Judeocracy

Kek. Your shithole is way worse than you can imagine.

It already is

If it means i get to fuck a hot mutt babe like this, i hope we turn into idiocracy

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The black population in Americs doesn't rise above 12-13% due to all the abortions and black-on-black crime. Black immigrants usually have higher IQs compared to native-born blacks because they represent the elite of their home countries

Ow my balls

Chuck had a sideline. Has dreams of opening his own sneed

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>How is America going to look in 2050?

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After all the references to this movie over a decade later I expected it to be good but it was pretty shit.

They’re still niggers and just as violent.

>he fell for the hot maya rudolph meme
cmon bro

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Educated maybe educated almost exclusively around the subject of not having kids until you are incredibly successful as a career business woman Selling cupcakes or some ridiculous shit

Idiocracy is happening, certainly people are dumbing down and behaving like a reactionary mass rather than a group of independent thinking and self-reflecting social individuals, but they are not running the show, in that, the film failed to live up to they live and other classics.

not quite, but there are some aspects shared from life and the movie. same with 1984 - some parts are present in real life, but not enough to say "we're becoming 1984"
I'd say we're closest to Brave New World right now
>drug addled society
>the state raises kids, family values eroded
>caste system to some degree, children being told from day 1 "you are X thing"
>promotion and normalization of sexual relationships with many partners
>honest living, such as farming, being independent are treated as a tourist attraction or novelty (things like "off-grid" airbnbs and such, even camping is now seen as a tourist attraction)
>those who don't follow the rules are slowly becoming outcasts, treated as feral in comparison to those who want to get coddled by the system
>people in the system who go against it are essentially erased from society (think the main character and the tribal guy being sent away to remote islands)
I truly believe that our world will become most similar to Huxley's works. Island is another good example, but it's been almost a decade since I last read it so I can't really go in depth with that one.
Ideas similar to those behind his Perennial Philosophy are also present (although bastardized) in the removal of religion from society, even though the work itself was written to strengthen religious belief.
I'd truly recommend anyone in this topic to read through his books, most are short enough to be finished in a weekend.

I read a German translation and it was terrible, not wrong, just unreadable at times, so clumsy and dumb in it's descriptions and characters. I thought the ending was also stupid (why be so violent?) and that the main character just comes across as an emotionally retarded prude, wasn't he meant to represent a healthy/normal man?

Though i do agree with your comparisons otherwise, just criticizing the book itself.

Is basically Brazil 2.0

>> Is America going to turn into a idiocracy?
How do you think?

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