What have you done to save the climate, user?

What have you done to save the climate, user?

Attached: gretacute3.jpg (425x640, 180.2K)

Send some mail

If you haven't kys then you've not contributed either.

By living in a pod and giving a minimum of 3 prayers a day to the world economic forum.

I don’t condoms

killed a person

I gracefully decided against flying to climate summits in a private jet. Why don't ecotards call out rich celebrities and politicians for this?

CTRL-S to save Greta cute.

I don't waste condoms on sex

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I load tested a generator I repaired by replacing a failed diode. To make sure it was a permanent fix, i plugged in two space heaters and burned a gallon og gasoline, converted the gallon of gasoline into electricity, converted the electricity into radiant heat, and warmed the outside Alaskan air with dinosaur soup. Bonus is the burnt dino soup is releases into the air to fertilize more plants and trees for the future.

I recycle my used toilet paper.

greta thunberg is a boy just sayin just sayin


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I walk to McDonald's instead of driving

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"Climate change" is not man made. The worst thing humans are doing to the Earth is the sheer amount of plastics that are polluting our oceans, and they overfishing we take place in. MAYBE factory farming monocrops and the pesticides needed to maintain said monocrops. Other than that, there is no such thing as "global warming" or "man-made climate change" and you're a brainwashed ostrich if you disagree.

This. /thread

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I wonder how the head can hold on this penis-size neck.

Every non white or non controlled (based) woman killed helps the planet immensely.
>Women consume 85%+ of consumerist garbage that is destroying the plant
>Non whites are most likely to consume at women levels.
>Jews are the most responsible as they will enslave all races and ages for a shekel. They will pollute your cities/countries and laugh at the goyim cattle.
Bonus points for Jews.

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The climate can't be saved, this is too late for this.

I sent Greta several DMs with a copypasta about her performing fellatio on me while i throw car batteries in the ocean.
She has yet to respond.