Hershey Fires Unvaxxed Employees

Stop buying Hershey products


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Implying people outside Burgerland eat vomit flavored chocolate.

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Boycotts don't work. Its up to those employees to grief in Minecraft.

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holy shit that's gross

>vomit flavored
That's a stupid meme, but also fuck these kikes

i cant' boycott something i already don't purchase

What will I do without sour milk chocolate

I haven't bought a Hershey product in like a decade, so I will continue to not buy their shit.

>chocolate worse than cadbury
imagine eating anything but belgian or swiss made shiggy

And they're in PA, so no reason to keep up with the chinkyflu BS. Just one more reason not to buy their shit-miserable chocolate.

This explains why I find Hershey so fucking vile

I would, if they sold vomit flavour chocolate in Europe in the first place.
Anyway, isn't it illegal to fire people over a medical issue? Or does that depend on the state?

Stop being retarded

Depends on the state entirely right now. But since IL is mostly a hellhole I can't say I care.

They literally have laws infringing on 2A directly and the US federal SC won't do shit. I hate the federal government and its plague of traitors. And I hate Americans for allowing the traitors to continue to rule over us.

Businesses can do whatever they want. Pennsylvania is one of those state where the will probably get away with it, but might also end up in court.

Hershley makes shit chocolate, only mutts eat it

Their "chocolate" is trash, anyway.

I like their Symphony bar with toffee and almonds but that's about it

You’re a stupid fucking nigger hole

>American "candy"
At best it tastes like tasteless greasy mass
At worst it tastes like some form of a chemical

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You non faggot Illinois frenz are allowed over in Iowa. You keep exporting all of the black people when in reality we just want some of the normal conservatives

>t. Double nigger

Yep, anaerobic bacteria found in all wastewater plants and poopoo. You’re eating poopoo flavored chocolate.

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Euros really jerk off about candy, but the chocolate I had in Switzerland was just "pretty good", not like earth shattering though. There wasn't that much difference, it gets over hyped

That sucks... Hershey’s was my go to after boycotting nestle. Cadbury it is then...

you are a stupid faggot retard nigger


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>he actually buys hershey's shit to begin with
Those dumb nigs think 60% cacao is "extra dark" chocolate. Anything less than 80% isn't fit for human consumption. Hershey's is for NPCs

wtf i hate kitkat now??

>le ebin blog site
lol you're a triple nigger

disgusting shitskin

Nigger. American chocolate is sugary trash. It doesn't even qualify as chocolate in Europe.

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Finnish and Swedish chocolate mogs Swiss chocolate easily. Swiss chocolate being the best in the world is a bit of a meme.
I'm serious about American candy tasting like chemicals though, same goes for anything that has "cream" in it or icing or anything else that spoils faster than within a year really.
US industry doesn't like manufacturing products that spoil quickly and because of this there's so much artificial shit in your products that it punches through really hard and ruins the taste.

>Everyone interviewed mentioned being troubled by similar questions during the meetings, usually held with an immediate supervisor and someone from HR, such as:
>Have you ever been vaccinated? Are your children vaccinated? How do you protect yourself when you leave your home? How often do you go to church? Do you take Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, or Midol? If so, how can you say that you’re truly a religious person, because a lot of those medicines also have the same ingredients as the vaccine?
>One new parent submitted their baby’s birth certificate and other papers to set up insurance, and was asked why the baby had received vaccinations if the parent wouldn’t get the COVID shots.
>What does that have to do with me keeping a job? From the time we started this ordeal, we had had seven meetings about my vaccination status,” one employee said. “It was like harassment. I felt like I wanted to crawl under a rock when I was done.”
>While office workers must be vaccinated or fired, employees working in food production and Chocolate World, the company’s retail outlet stores, are encouraged but not required to get the vaccination.
So if you're on a production line or working in their store, you can be unvaxxed but if you're an office worker you must get the jab or get fired. Morons.


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Good. They can keep their vomit chocolate

nothing i could link you would take for a source, because you are a stupid hershey eating goyimutt nigger retard



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You'll never believe who bought Cadbury

Reese’s prices and almond joy are alright. I’m not feigning for cocaine, so I don’t see a reason to ever buy Jolly Rancher

>candy is sweet
>the euro crys in pain
lmao wut

>it wasn't real European chocolate!

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Fipbip. After having real chocolat, it's easy to avoid Hershey's.

>unironically linking a huff po article
Lmao I accept your surrender