What happened to the left? Where did it go?

It seems my breed of liberal went extinct. 2011 and occupy seems a catalyst to the chain of psyops that dissolved my breed. In 2022 whatever the abomination of the left is, arguing over nonissues and paving the roads to seven different dystopias, is indistinguishable from its roots. What the fuck happened? What is this abomination?

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Leftypol is second door on the right.

Yup. I was warning my fellow liberals around 2008/2010 that something dark and terrible was brewing within us. Got shoo shooed away from a few forums due to my obvious nonsense.

Now here we are and I take no joy in having been right. And most of them still cannot see it. There's no choice but to join the ""extreme"" ""right"" because the alternative is to be an agent of evil.

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It didn't go anywhere. The left has always been like this. Always. Today's liberals are behaving exactly as the Jacobins, Abolitionists, and Bolsheviks did in their own times.

Classic Jews desu. Liberals used to actually come off as intelligent and rational, but now they’re just faggots, nothing more.

It has nothing to do with muh Jews you fucking idiots. There was a good thread the other day about how the CIA is and has always been a right wing organization. It's obvious who psyoped the Left into its unrecognizable state.

Cordeliers were fucking based tho

> it’s not the Jews!!!
> it’s the CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it’s the Jews…

Modern pol's retardation never ceases to amaze me. This place has also been psyoped to oblivion. You're a fine specimen of this.

It has everything to do with jews. Always has. Promoting the most satanic and degenerate agenda for no reason other than to harm Whites and enrich themselves. I doubt I can convince you other than saying lurk more.
>zionist bankers as well as Wall Street, "The 1%" military, corporations, landlords, "capitalists," the occupiers of Palestine, all have one thing in common and that's that their talmud considers us property
>t. former leftist

>What the fuck happened? What is this abomination?
The natural consequences you opened the way for, by allowing spiteful mutants to become part of politics, and then losing them to basic bitch corporate psyops.

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

Ok moshe

I feel this. I used to be liberal. Was very anti-government. Grew up listening to political punk rock music. Now that entire scene is in love with their government and defend it. It's unreal. So now I am a right winger because they are the ones standing up against the government. Fuck all them faggots.

“Modern” pol. Haha acting like you’ve been here for more than 10 minutes. Such an obvious kike

I don't know. I have switched sides and have become a National Socialist long ago, because the "left" stopped to make any kind of sense already in the 1990s.

KYS nazi faggot
Yup. The left became the establishment. Sad.

You were always following your jewish overlords anyway.

The Jew reveals his nose. I’m going to gas you with my farts you subversive Jew.

Liberalism and all its derivatives (including leftism) are cancerous and will inevitably collapse into the degeneracy and decay we see now. It was always going to become this way. Ever since the French Revolution we've followed a slow but steady decline into the horror show that is the 21st century liberal democratic West.

This is why it's so important for a dissident right movement to reject liberalism in all its forms. Not "classical liberalism", not the liberalism of half a century ago...what we need is unapologetic anti-liberalism.

You're going to sit in the filth of your moms basement (she resents your birth) and rot away in your own copium.

Jew defender on suicide watch