O'Toole about to get ousted. Pierre 4 PM

We're gonna be alright Leafs. We're gonna be alright.


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I do worry about Pierre because you can see the liberal retardation grinding on him. He's been much more visibly pissed lately.

I enjoy the subtle implication that justin is a racist because he did blackface. I dont think he is, but i WILL push this angle.

Not a WEF goon. Not a WEF young leader like Michelle Rempel.

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Here is O'Toole's weak ass statement. If eh stood for conservatism then this review wouldn't be happening. Glad to get this guy out. I actually bought a party membership for the first time in my life to be able to vote for Pierre as leader. This will bring back the PPC votes too. Hopefully Mad Max and Pierre can find some middle ground and work together.

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I love it, I want a leader with passion not some PC paint by the numbers govern by committee asshole like O'Toole.

He can't be racist, he shares Sophie with Idris Elba. True reparations right there.

Thank fucking God. If it's ourguy Any Forumsievre, I will vote conservative for as long as he is leader. He actually knows what he's doing and won't be a leader whose point-people are put there based on nepotism.

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To be our guy, your gonna need to vote. You know WEF Young Leader Michelle Rempel will put her hat into the ring and her votes will be bought. First time I bought membership into a party, but this is important for me. I'm not giving up on Canada yet. If this fails, I'll submit to the rake.

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He will be Prime Minister one day. He has the support of the party.

Pierre the entertainer doesn't actually give a shit and he will never run for party leader.

Shit, I didn't even know about this. We should be spamming the hell out of this, getting as many people to register as possible. I am not autistic enough to do it, but when Any Forums went full retard last time, they got O'Toole in.

It's time to reconcentrate our autism.

Why is that something to worry about?

Any Forums tried to get Mad Max before that and it went to milk cartel goon Scheer.... who was better than O'Toole in retrospect hard to believe.

I'll do my part to get people on board. Guess we'll have to wait and see how this leadership review goes but I can't see O'Toole staying on.

Pierre? Isn't that the super zionist political climber man who not 18 months ago we saw with a fucking pissraeli flag in his office?

The Conservative party is a joke. I'm going to continue voting for the milquetoast libertarians over at the PPC until this country collapses and a real opportunity presents itself.

Howard Shekels the 4th would be better than O'Toole so I really don't give a shit. And a zionist sending our faggot solders to Iran is better than a drama teacher sending our faggot solders to Ukraine.

The UK has already lifted all the restrictions.
It seems to me Trudeau wants Canadians to have less freedoms and therefore be a lower class of citizens under the crown.

>you must choose now: anger or optimism

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He's always stayed far more collected and made rational arguments. I don't want to see emotions take over and him make a mistake.

>the canadian house of gays

QRD me on the O'Toole character.

With Poilievre we'll get a solid budget and fiscal reforms on a par with the stability we got with Martin/Chretien.
Face it they're all Zionists they have to be. That's what happens when the jews own everything. They own EVERYTHING. That is the legacy of the (((British Empire))) defeating the French. Remember; every city and town on the rail lines west of Toronto is the result of a Bank of England jewish railroad real estate swindle, including especially Vancouver

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Fair enough, but he'll have to be beaten in the face with a baseball bat to lose an argument to trudeau.

He was voted leader of the Conservative party because he had good policy ideads and seemed like a stable character. On winning the leadership, he flipped on literally every aspect that got him the leadership. I.e. guns, vaccine mandates, immigration. He crumbles at absolutely any challenge and gives in. He even flipped on speaking with the trucker protest. With him, our conservative party were quite literally liberals with blue instead of red.

That is true lol

Conservatives are the worst. Bunch of do-nothing cucks

Jesus fucking Christ...
What a bloviating no-nothing cuckold. It's like he's vying for the Reddit vote.


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Also, who the fuck is Rebecca? His beard? Is this his lame attempt at getting Le woman vote?

The smell is better this morning.