Political implications of adult children

Something just dawned on me, while browsing another thread I the webm of the r*dditor opening a Christmas present and getting attacked by his cat and it got me thinking about how western man has fallen. I also wonder if more adults got toys for Christmas this past year than children? The r*ddit nigger is opening a toy in the webm and you can see Star Wars toys and whatnot under the tree. This is why society is failing, adults have become perpetual children.
>inb4 just let people enjoy things
That's the problem, we've been doing that for far too long, boomers, Gen X, millennials, and zoomers ALL live for the next consumer product and carnal pleasures. They're all hypersocialized and hypersexualized degenerates, they don't want to have children because they are children (and don't want to share their toys). Embarrassing

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Other urls found in this thread:


>pic related
Webm in question. Absolutely embarrassing state of society

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>when even your cat knows you're a faggot
>They're all hypersocialized and hypersexualized degenerates, they don't want to have children because they are children (and don't want to share their toys). Embarrassing
Yeah, more or less.

>based cat
My wife's cat is pretty based, too, just like my dog. Both hate niggers.
>perpetual children
I can't believe that retard would upload that video, I'd be mortified to be seen by the public acting like that. Have some self respect and st least cut the first few seconds of you acting like a gigantic faggot out. I'm embarrassed for that queer

I think it's a matter of economics. People who should be adults with more responsibilities are trapped in a weird state of extended adolescence since they aren't able to obtain meaningful employment and guarantee their own independence through home ownership and being able to advance their lives, so just become weird manchildren since it's an area of life they feel any "joy" over. I see the manchild epidemic as a symptom, and not the cause of Western decline.

>symptom not a cause
Yes, I agree, though it's really more in line with the hard times, hard men/good times, weak men dichotomy. We need a collapse with hard times to fix this.

>We need a collapse with hard times to fix this
I don't know, I think we need a functioning economy that isn't controlled by international megacorporations, which is probably a lot easier said than done, since it requires people to understand the nature of the problem to solve it, and ensure it doesn't happen again. Under collapse conditions, they'll just flee to greener pastures and leave us holding the bag, which might not be such a bad thing now that I'm thinking about it.

You are absolutely right OP. If these peoples grandfathers could see what they’ve become they would have probably chopped their balls off. Good times create weak men.

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>they don't want to have children because they are children (and don't want to share their toys)
idk if this is relevant, but when i was a kid the concept of having children was really stupid to me. why would i have kids and have to work for them and share all of MY stuff with them.
i feel like children dont have mental capacity to even comprehend having children and adult children are just that. they never developed that mentality, because they didnt have to

Having children in an evil doomed world is worse.

>which might not be such a bad thing now that I'm thinking about it.
That seems preferable to this corporate nightmare at live in now, in my opinion. Until then, I don't think even a functioning economy would do anything other than prolong this degenerate decline. I think that would solve the adult child problem (and tranny) because then they wouldn't be able to be sedentary losers binge watching porn, Hollyjew nonsense, and pozzed vidya for hours a day

I mentioned it in the other thread, but I think it stems from having life too good for too long. It's created a perpetual state of coddling, dependence, weakness, and all of your strong male instincts begin to atrophy. This is why this surge of weak men is predominantly from major cities as well. Living in a dense city breeds the need to depend on others, everything you need is right outside your doorstep, any problems in life depends on the city government to fix it, or throw money at it, etc. Rural folk are independent, have to tend to their own needs, and they don't act like this. Add to this, any sense of competition is largely virtual. Competition helps create stronger men, but it's now in the form of video games, virtual profiles in social media, online socializing, texts, etc. It's not the same as competing in sports, talking in person, looking decent, approaching women, and so on. Nobody is really experiencing true hurdles to overcome. We've taken the easy route for a few decades now. What will most likely happen is barbarians will inherit the world for the next long period after modern man dies in the metaverse with their Spider-Man socks on. Muslims and third-world savages will take over until their time comes to get fat. It's a sad future we're looking at. Being comfortable is what we work for, but it ultimately ends up being hell.

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Armoured boots march up the stairs and slippered feet stumble down them.

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It's Huxley's vision of the future.
Children are better buyers, so market forces encourage people to be child-like everywhere but their workplace.
Read Brave New World Revisited

the political implications are that in 20 years china and russia don't have to fire a bullet to take over the west.

when they are allowed to use western freedoms but we aren't allowed to influence their countries, why wouldn't they try to manufacture weak men?

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"Easy times" doesn't explain it all. Times were easier economically in the 1950s - 1990s and you still had tough old bastards.
I think one of the biggest problems right now is communication, people can barely communicate by talking. Working through complicated ideas with an ordinary person is impossible. I'm sure the cause is from smartphone texting and twitter wordcounts being the primary form of communication for most people.

That picture is disgusting. It's worth mentioning that it's almost innate that we need something to fight against, we need dreams to chase, drama to resolve, things to improve. And in modern times, with nothing to fight or conquer, we're just making it up. There's no black struggle, no such thing as trannies, no covid pandemic, it's just a fake purpose for those that have none. It's hard to even comprehend the sad state we're truly in right now. But that picture is a great example of it.

Have you seen the scooters all the bugmen ride around on? I don't get out much so i found it funny

Remember that "dumbing down of education and media" that was constantly talked about in 90's and 00's? Well, all this is the result.
The first step was breaking down of the nuclear family and taking the main role model - the father - out of the picture. So there was no one to emulate, no one to challenge the endless stream of propaganda that was poured down children's ears in schools. Social media helped speed up that process a lot, by creating dopamine chains in the brain that rewarded instant gratification. Bing-bong, you have a message. Ping-pong, someone liked your photo. Attention spans became drastically reduced, reading became tedious and difficult and thus unpopular. So, fatherless worms who could still pick up hints of what it means to be a real man or a real woman from books now had this avenue closed to them as well. To fill the void, they were given role models carefully crafted by Avi Lugenstein and Chaim Trinkenblut over at Hymiewood. Milquetoast "heroes" fighting idiotic "villains" accomplishing nothing of value while looking flashy and spewing snarky one-liners. Given that there was no one else to follow, these retarded, deceived children took to these role models like flies to shit. That's all they know these days. And by altering the behavior of their beloved characters, kikes can now control their minds. All it takes is a single turn of phrase by a character in Capeshit Movie #63254452 to change the political opinion of a shitload of people. Very convenient, considering most of them have just broken voting age.

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It's a lot of things, but the "good times/ weak men" has a lot of tentacles. Look at the manner in which we communicate via text, posts, etc. Look at how little we use our brains when everything you need to know you can look it up. We don't have to problem-solve, use critical thinking, ideas are regurgitated from something we read. Everything is on-demand and instantly gratifying too so there's no satisfaction, struggle, wait, payoff, etc. What's worse is that this is all addictive too in its convenience that it's hard to give it up or be in a position to make changes. It's hard to see how it's taking its toll on people too until some study comes out showing IQ drops, testosterone plummeting, marriage vanishing, kids disappearing, communities falling apart, and so on. It's fucked.

>showing IQ drops, testosterone plummeting
all smartphone/4g/5g radiation

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I think it's the lack of an actual economy, or rather its ongoing ruination that creates a lot of issues we see today. Nobody has any reason to improve themselves since there are no real jobs available to them, they don't have enough money to be independent and do as they please, they lack the means to develop their skillset to improve their options in employment, and I think that working an actual job teaches you A LOT about how you should behave, how to treat others, personal responsibility, how not to be an asshole and other valuable lessons you don't learn from being a barista at Starbucks for whole decades of your life.

Not to say it's the ONLY factor, people are right to point out stuff like the feminisation of society, the decline of "male only" spaces and general infringement on masculinity, how much the proliferation of social media has fucked up interpersonal communication and other things I haven't mentioned, but I think the economy is something people constantly overlook, and don't understand the true value of because it's not something (((they))) want you thinking about.

I find a lot of the "hard men" talk is just based around the fantasy that the person posting is one of the last "hard men" who are having to witness society fall because they lack the integrity or whatever that they do. I see it more that society is falling apart because the birthright of the people has been taken from them and given to foreigners so that multinational megacorporations can save on costs, leaving generations of people adrift in a world that no longer has a place for them.