Hiro debunks pizzagate


Hiro has a debate with a Qanon supporter who dresses up as Pepe the Frog.
He says "you know there was no basement right? It was proven in the court trial that there were no underground tunnels after a guy showed up with a gun to investigate."
The Pepe Jap got destroyed.

How can you guys still believe pizzagate after this?

Attached: hiro pepe.png (2088x1164, 1.61M)

why would i believe hiro?

do we like hiro?
is he better the m00t?

I’m gonna deboooonk

Why would i believe a guy that owns a NSA honeypot hosted by an NSA asset?

>grifter for 21+ years stays in his lane and plays it safe because it may hurt his datamining business
Yea, fucking crazy, right?


Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-02 at 01-51-00 【Qアノン】トランプ大統領を支持する 一大勢力 日本人の信奉者が出演 陰謀論を信じる理由とは ひろゆきがロジカルに迫る【大統領選】【議会乱入】|#アベプラ?.png (2163x1258, 2.37M)

Also Hiro: "How do you know the Q drops are from Q himself? Is there a way to confirm that these are real drops?"

Pepe Jap: "I don't know"

Weird that Hiro doesn't know about tripcodes

They are both faghots hiro just know how to milk the intelligence community better.

you can look up the left side article and its still posted

Attached: thealfantintheroom.jpg (1024x1024, 254.4K)

Hiro is an okay guy. I don't mind him stealing my data as long as he keeps his hands off the website otherwise.


It did have a basement though. Of course it had a fucking basement.

Why shouldn't I trust Hiro? He's smart

He can't even speak English.

The dude is so incoherent in his statements. A pure blood Any Forumstard. But I didn't like that faggot amerimutt who was smirking the whole time like a kike

Yeah the American guy was awkward. Like he was getting mad while all the others were like chill about it

A big nosed grifter, two shitty jewish psyops (passover frog and Pizzagate) and zero actual discussion about jewish human trafficking.

Hiro does have a big nose for a Jap.
Is he half Jewish?

goot can fuck off

totally organic

That's how they play the game...always.
1000 years the same game and they are going to play it another 1000.

Is this guy retarded.
He thinks child molestation isn’t possible without a basement.