Media in full panic mode

Media in full panic mode

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just like you

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If you think about it...

>Whoopi Goldberg

Translates to

>Gassy Kike

Worth noting her real ame is Caryn Elaine Johnson, she took the goldberg name as a stagename so she could rather amusingly joke about jews at comedy standups without getting in trouble

When you see a slide thread, you know what to do boys.

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Daily reminder, Jews hide their race by calling it a religion, when they believe that Jewish ancestor is traced through Matrilineal lineage.

They literally believe you're only a Jew if your mom is too.

hitler wanted to eliminate non aryans. it was never about white people. jews weren't considered non white. back then white solidarity wasen't a thing. europeans split themselves into much more niche races and ethnic groups. whiteness has only become a thing as the european population has decreased in relation to the rest of the world.

> filename

>Early Life

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-01 at 10-57-35 Whoopi Goldberg - Wikipedia.png (2076x313, 112K)

She really is an annoying brain dead diversity hire cunt throughout her entire career. Her early "comedy" was literally a female rip off of Richard Pryor that was virtually incoherent. It's based she kiked the kikes I guess. But she's just a dumb shabbos diversity hire who the kikes have shat upon us for the last 40 years.

the comments are open

Lol even turbo gorilla african Americans are mixed with Massa dna

White and European are not interchangeable terms. Assad, for example, is whiter than half of Greeks and all Sicilians

guinan knows what's up

Fried chicken
Yes massa

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It's amazing she has ranted about racism, while using a fake JEWISH stage name, because her grandmother told her the RACIST TROPE, that;s the only way to get famous.


Panicking about what? What does any of this thread mean? Best I can figure is that Jews decidedly defined themselves as non-white, but I don't really see why this matters because it won't stop them from shape-shifting as """fellow white people"""

Has somebody a fake twitter account? Go shitpost on her apology tweet. If you fake twitter account is PoC write something à la „Why do they force a strong black woman to apologize? Who apologize to us for slavery? Jews know nothing about real pain.“
If your fake twitter account is jewish: „Black people dont know real pain. They cry about slavery like it happened yesterday. This is just an example how uneducated black people are. The holocaust was the biggest tragedy in human history.“

I like the cut of your jib soldier. Now drop the memeflag and give me 20 shitposts.

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Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

no he didn’t.
he wanted every country and it’s race of people to remain separate and nationalist.
why do you think the nazis were allied with japanese and africans?
the national socialists were fighting to avoid specifically the world we live in today, where all races and people are being smushed together by the elites to create a faceless mutt world, that has no history and no ability to resist a united one world government.
hitler didn’t want to eliminate “non-aryans”.
A separate place for every race. Just as nature intended.

Aren't the media the ones constantly saying jewish is a religion not a race?

jews only care about themselves. you never hear anyone crying about the gypsies or the gypsies begging for attention

and I bet you think the death camps were work camps. shut up.

please remember to make it a point to call actors actors, regardless of whatever gender they're pretending to be.

>pakis and their chav cucks

This. The Jews are a race. The master race.

Fuck off subhuman


Was really shocked to see no Hoteps, was in the Twitter comment section. Talking about who owned the slave ships and shiiieet.

Is she honestly suggesting that 6 million jews didnt die in the shoah? My great grandfather was one of those 8 million. It took them 7 attempts to gas him.

Why the fuck does she need to apologize for saying that?

You're wrong. Hitler's map of aryan whites maps on suspiciously close to countries that were sympathetic to Germany. The notion of a European race has been a thing since the colonial ages. There were only labor camps.

I find it funny that jews never learn the lesson that their own golem story tries to teach them.
Time and time again their golems turn on them and they never learn.

my great grandmother was made to eat seeds and died when her stomach exploded and the Nazis danced under the fruit raining down.

i can't believe the chews
allowed her to call herself
goldberg all these years
heads will surely roll

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