Vegan hate thread II

How low would your IQ need to be to not understand that humans are carnivores?

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humans are omnivores you massive retard

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So you're saying our bodies have adapted to eat grains when this only started 10 thousand years ago with the beginning of modern agriculture and that there's no evidence during our evolution that with the invention of tools and weapons (beginning of meat consumption) our brains increased in size to 1200cc?

IDGAF what foods other people eat

>rotting flesh is the best source of nutrition

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>pedophile Jews run the world
>niggers murder whites in the street every day
>children are being taught to mutilate their genitals and crossdress in public schools
>and user is focused on people who eat broccoli
Do you unironically work for McDonalds or something? On the egg board of America, or something?

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i'm saying you should pick up a dictionary and look up the definition of carnivore. you won't and thats why you're a massive retard.

Humans are not obligate carnivores
Westerners are just retarded and can’t function with a real vegan diet.

My mother is a 100% vegan and has no health issues, my father and I are vegetarians as well, though we eat eggs and I eat fish (Fish is not meat t. Jesus)

are you retarded user? you can pick a pear off a tree.

Its not just grains but fruits etc. There are right wing vegetarians and vegans (a lot of the new age types especially after covid which that group of people was very redpilled about right away) I hate people because of their politics not their eating preferences. Especially if they are less fat on average than normal people.

Also the new agey type women tend to be thinner healthier and more feminine. Why should I hate them?

Humans are scavengers and eat whatever the fuck they can based on their location nigger. Thats why we have snow chinks who live off blubber and cunts who live off grain.

I eat it all baby

Eat the fruits and return to monke

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Yes, i'm sure the low calorie content and energy expenditure and mostly vitamin C really got us though our evolution.

>rotting plants are all you need

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He has good form

Energy expenditure to gather fruits when in season*

>just another day of hardcore prep so I can scalp right-wing Nazis.

monkeys eat meat, eggs and shiet if they can find eat

Humans aren't even omnires. Our diet is specialised go be fruit and nut based with the ability to eat plants and meat as well to supplement the necessary fats and nutrients. The answer lies in the teeth of primates. We are not carnivores because we don't have teeth like a bear, wolf, tiger - they have huge canines designed for shreeding and tearing raw, fresh dead meat. Our teeth are clearly designed for maceration and crunching up nuts and fleshy fruits.
Besides, do you really trust the Jews in the American food and drug association to give you the quality meat you think you're buying? It could be People for all you know, like solent green.

The most based take is to stop consuming meat pumped full of female growth hormones, estrogen and other feminizing runoff chemicals.

Reject your processed Jewish Mcburgers, return to monkey diet user.

That's Austin or @rawbliss95 on instagram, he is actually a good guy and redpilled about many things. He is not a vegan but a fruitarian which means he only eats fruits and vegetables

sv3rige you are just as much a deranged faggot as vegans are. Seriously, stop shitting up this board with your garbage posts. You are all mentally ill assholes who eat like shit for attention. Two sides of the same coin.

Redpill me on lentils, pumpkin seeds and estrogenic tofu, they are mentioned as additional source of protein. Is that protein not real?

Nuts and plants have been eaten for millennia and if you don't eat them then you're a dumb fuck heh

disingenuous my little sheep friend.

Real redpill is that humans are fish/shellfish eaters
Our hands are perfect for ripping open clams and our bodies are naturally suited for short jaunts into the water.

We are also one of only a small group of mammals that can hold their breathe, and the only non-aquatic ones to do so giving us an advantage living near the coasts when it comes to spear fishing/diving
I know aquatic ape theory is fatty cope, but I genuinely think it is true to some degree considering how so many early humans were found adjacent to the coastlines.

The only diet you can lose weight on in America really (I mean after your mid 30s) without having a intense physical job or lifting all day is fruits + occasional supplement of dairy or chicken for protein.

Eating too much of anything but fruit and you have like all these chemical poisons that it seems among other things keeps your body from burning fat. This is why Americans are now the Amerifats.

This thread really blew up in your face didn't it Chang? What was the flow chart?

>Start thread bashing vegans
>expect pol to double down on their expected right wing Joe rogan carnist ways
>so that you can make them fear the bugs even more
>turns out everyone on pol is already wise to the produce Jew

What on earth were you thinking?

We don't need teeth to kill animals, so we have no need of sharp teeth.
Pretty much any animal can eat meat, since it requires way less to process than veggies and greens.

Fruits have a lot of sugar, what are you talking about. Holy fucking cringe.

We can cook and tear meat with our hands anyway so there is no pressure for sharp teeth

Actually mate, every single diet on earth boils down to "eat less, move more"
Depending on WHAT you eat, your health may improve alongside aesthetics. Fad diets are another Jewish invention to keep fatties fat.

But natural sugars without so much poison like the rest of the American diet. And you actually get full and stay that way without feeling compelled to eat again 15 minutes later.