What the fuck are all the zoomers so mad about?

What the fuck are all the zoomers so mad about?
Start saving and working you can go places

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You can’t start a business with 1thousand who tf is this monkey.

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Not true user
See you guys just have the nigger attitude

Its not just them
Its about being hypnotized by convenience culture
It started in America in the 1950's
Why sit at the table, when you have TV?
Why make dinner when you have TV dinners?
Why hunt when you can get factory food?
People forgot and it cost them

>Start a business: $999

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>start a business : $999
Stopped reading right there.
Clowns that believe you can start anything with a grand deserve beatings, and the beatings of such quality that when he shit himself you beat them some more.

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Get out of here you low ambition npc

Too much red tape, I won't bother.

Hate this rhetoric when it comes from somebody who has only climbed up from people paying him to spout meaningless "#grindset" platitudes instead of actually doing work

If you don't have one good idea a day,that could possibly change your life
You are doing it all wrong

>Posts careers
You are the biggest most stupid gorilla nigger I’ve seen post here

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What are you going to start a lemonade stand? You wouldn't even be able to afford business licenses let alone the means to operate kek.

>just lists a bunch of low wage jobs
>gives no details about how to actually get a business going, like having permits, buying equipment, training costs, etc
Starting a business is really the way to go, but don't lie to people.
>fucking dog walking

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> $999 you can't start a traditional business with that. You really need to be special to come up with something.

>Day of healthy groceries will be worth several days of processed food. Also, I have no time to cook because I am bust working 10 hours a day for Mr. Noseberg and another 2-3"is unpaid travel.
> You really need a next level brain and will power to sit down, commit and learn something after a dozen hours at a work designed to burn you out.

What's this faggot's early life? I bet he's one of those self made people who only received a tiny thousands worth a donation from their parents.

>Dog walker

What new skill am I learning in two hours?

First one is stupid beyond words and my complaint is going out for dinner is too fucking expensive and I’m not allowed because vaccine mandates.

Rope anyone who keeps living in this insane fantasy land.

i became a multi-millionaire from trading with less £1000
this was with bitcoin in 2012 mind you, but still.
>b-but you were just lucky
I bet you still dont even have any crypto.
you cant fix retards

it costs more than $1000 just to have a lawyer look over a design and make sure it doesn't infringe on any patents, and if he's wrong you will be bent over, railed by the state and forced out of business. the US is no longer a good place to go into business

He’s right about the skills part.
People always say shit like ‘I wanted to be a musician’ but what they really wanted to do was whatever else it was they did instead of learning to play an instrument.
What most people actually want is to sit on the couch and watch tv.

>I bet you still dont even have any crypto.
Exactly. I'm not enabling the great reset with fake money version 2.0

>I invested!
That's not starting a business, Ahmed.

>healthy groceries: $100
look at this privileged motherfucker, what a fucking idiot

>learn a new skill: no time
dedicating 2hrs to a skill everyday takes a lot of fucking time before you get good at it, if you get good at it, learning a skill doesn't make you profit or put food in your belly

for tax purposes I own a business, it cost me nothing.
talk more about things you know nothing about

I was 15 in 2012. Tell me a modern equivalent to the bitcoin skyrocketing and you will have me convinced. Everything after is merely a shitty photo-copy of bitcoin and will never amount to shit.

yes you can

> Avon or Tupperware sales person
Ooooooooo yes

Our society is fundamentally broken regardless. With all our technology, basic necessities should be readily available to all. People should spend their time connecting with nature and developing their sense of spirituality. We should be reproducing thoughtfully and not placing stress on the environment. We should be exploring all the concepts of Tesla and the other inventors who were all on the brink of discovering things that would allow us to explore the stars. While I agree with most things said here, Capitalism is truly just a clever form of enslavement.

What's the name of your business, Ahmed?

Also, in terms of starting a business. I could buy stock, a market stall space and a sole trader licence for under 1k. It’s a start.
I’m working towards being a freelance illustrator, the initial start up costs are basically non existent as I already own a drawing tablet and my overheads are just sustaining my existence, the actual service and product all come from my own ability.

Congratulation, tulip trader. Will you pay for my energy bills?

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

>implying 1000 gdp form 2012 is the same as $1000 2022USD
>implying that buying cryptocurrency is starting a business
Do you want beatings?

dont let these crypto fags try to brag to you. They still can't withdraw the money, it's virtual trash until they can trade it for real things, and they can't.

I was 17.
if you think bitcoin is over or there is nothing equivelent in the future then you are just blind.
like this retard

How much did you spend in man hours to learn your craft? You faggots all think cost is just dollars.

ok. fair enough.
but how about you start working on that handshake?
firm handshake and positive attitude will get you far in life.

Well it's certainly easier when you can walk out of hs earn a job that allows you to pay for college, and buy a house. I hate boomer faggots so much.

Neither does watching tv.
Most skills come from practice, if you put the time in eventually you will become proficient. And it’s a future investment that you will never achieve by consuming entertainment media.

>learn a skill in 2 hours
Does this dude consider making a yo-yo bounce 5 times a skill or some shit ?

>Start a business for $999
>Learn a skill in 2 hrs

This is literally what Reddit believes

Buying stock at such a low price is a warren buffet jew scam.
>But muh penny stocks
Might as well gamble with butt coins.

If you want to invest properly read more
About the kinds of investments and the market

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you can learn to cook a new meal in 2 hours.
do that enough times and you can become a half decent sous chef.
stop having a nigger mentality


Business owner here, it does not cost no $999 to start and you need a good few things in order to do it, and you also need a smartphone when you start one to help keep your shit together so its gonna be more.

You figuratively cannot open a fruit selling stand on the farmers market with $1000 in Serbia.
You cannot sell apples and lemons with that money.

Well I’ve always drawn in my down time, I can listen to music or put a film on in the background, it’s time I would be wasting otherwise. You can become accomplished in most skill within a year. After that the progress become exponential.

I did
Granted I made heavy use of my PC but I had that anyway

Spoken like a guy that's never cooked a real meal in his life. Pouring pasta into boiling water isn't cooking, Muhammad.

>still believing we can't withdraw the money
You can withdraw it any time for fiat but unfortunately Biden has added massive capital gain tax to it

2 hours a day, instead of whatever you would be doing like playing a game. It’s something with a future return instead of chasing digital trophies.

Conservatively 10,000 in mine and I'm still learning. Yes I'm trying to start a business with it but it's niche.

You can literally cook healthy for many days in advance in the time it takes to prep one meal you dumb fuck

>Well I’ve always drawn in my down time
How many hours is that?

You really think your massive energy consumption has no effect on the prices?

tell me youve never cooked professionally without telling me youve never cooked professionally

>can't start or run a business without a smartphone
wtf. anyway my smartphone cost $150.

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>Butthurt zoomers with no concept of money, the thread

I hope the government cuts off your gibs you useless faggots.