Why are Redditors always so sick?

All they talk about is how great the vaccines are. Yet, behind the scenes, their bodies are falling apart. My 72 year old mom is in better health than most of these people...

Attached: sick.jpg (1523x452, 173.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Probably from living a degenerate lifestyle.


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WTF... I believe I stumbled across a tranny subreddit about Alex Jones...
>This is a subreddit for policy wonks to discuss and post about both the podcast and any related to news to Alex Jones, Kerry Cassidy, Reverend James Manning, and all others of their ilk. - reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/shg2fs/struggling_to_make_it_the_todays_episode/

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>I have undiagnosed
Stopped reading right there.

How is this person still alive? It's not difficult to diagnose POTS or MCAS & it sounds like this person is morbidly obese. As a certified Dr. Chud I prescribe eating less

Because they're redditor scum that lives on the internet and they gain internet points by showing off how weak and frail they are. Just look at their profiles and how they just love to state their mental disorders.

I used to think the tranny memes were an exaggeration. However, I've come across like 3 accounts just today from trannies in threads about Joe Rogan and the vaccines.

Their mom made their bed. Now they will lie it.

It's a mystery.


>"On Tuesday, a real zinger was dropped onto the medRxiv preprint server that could potentially explain many of the commonly observed pathogenic features of SARS-CoV-2. The authors provide solid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the envelope (ENV) protein encoded by HERV-W in blood cells, which is in turn directly responsible for many pathological features of the disease."





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It's a mystery. Get the experimental jab.

>Get off on being degraded
>Claim to fight every day for dignity
Is this a mental fight for dignity?
I understand being a rape victim and all but turning your struggle into real life theater isn't a solution to your trauma.
Get out of the girls clothes, put on pants, and I'm sure they'll find the dignity they are looking for!

>I want some sign from the universe
Yeah, that's it. Ask rocks if everything'll work out.

They all claim to be rape victims; but, it's almost always a situation where they were "raped" by like their BF of a year.

Attention whores who need validation via upvotes and stupid awards, badges

reminds me of your average Any Forums retard when he's taken the vaccine

Ahh, POTS and an anal fissure. Also known as being morbidly obese.

he just needs a few more booosters

That bitch is insanely fat.

After that sympathy leddit gold innit

Has he been checked for winter vagina?

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