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Say goodbye to your guns:

Kiwis stuck in Aussie:

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bump :)

New Zealand is a lost cause

Anyone like Magdalena Bay?

Pretty comfy in here youtube.com/watch?v=zFqBXrOBhJc

Oh yeah, the gun thing is the classic example of the slippery slope


What are you doing for the long weekend boys? I'm tramping in the Kaimanawas.

Catching up on sleep if I'm lucky and probably researching crypto

Crypto is another Jewish instrument to enslave us.

Kiwis are doing a trucker strike too. Gonna block Wellington on the 6th

Search up convoy2022 on jewbook

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I don't know how crypto investors sleep at night. Stressful way to try and make it.

Urchin trail is pretty nice. cut off track to go to the pillars and a nice wee dip in the river.
Plenty of deer in there if you're into that.

Anyone else pray we get a gigantic -90% crash even though it’d lead to a recession? Personally I’m fine with that. All I need is food, water and a place to sleep.

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The commonwealth shall remind the pleb trash what we're capable of. Good shit NZ.

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The organisation says easing supply shortages, higher interest rates, and more restrictive policies could create "a large fall".

It already happened.

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I never check it before bed and usually not at work. I can go to work earning $200 a day or whatever and check my crypto and I'm losing $2000 per hour kek

no, jews don't like crypto, they fear crypto, I think jews suck at computers.
They want things called CBDC's which gives them total control, I'm pretty sure NZ is making one too

wouldn't a tiny country such as NZ be super susceptible to a truckers protest shutting it down?
>even more susceptible to just lynching the few dozen criminals in charge???

We're not susceptible because the overwhelming majority of truckers are vaxxed and support the mandate

damn, that's a lot of uggs you'll need to export.

Based thread.

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