How much money do you have and what do you do?

How much money do you have and what do you do?

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Crypto and Head Wendy's Grillmaster

6 figures.
Nothing, I'm homeless

$3.50 in random change
give bjs for crack money in this here alley

you want one?

More like 39 bucks and Wendy's dishwasher.

$51bn, pretty much own Wendy's™ at this point.

IT wagie about to get a government job so I never have to work hard again.

OP don’t turn down this once in a lifetime opportunity for some life changing boipuss

Nothing I’m broke

>no debt

I make $5000 a month with software client contacts.

Phone posting during lunch, then couch posting when I get home

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Its a secret

why this AI keep shitposting threads all over with shit thumbnails?

Delivery driver

1 million dollars

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freelance furry porn illustrator

low 7 figures
IT contractor and cryptobro

who is your dad and what does he do?

About 70k in the bank (need to invest more I know), 70k in 401k, and 120k in equity in my house. 27 yo.

I'm a CIA glownigger and I make as much as jannies

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Boiler operator

3 milly. Won't say anything else, as this is a datamining thread.

I make about $10k a month. I run a high end restaurant. The secret to running a restaurant is having a dress code to deter niggers.

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$120 of silver, something like $44 of federal reserve fiat; homestead NEET.

not showing my power levels here
rich people would laugh
stupid poor people would be envious

none of your bees wax

op's mom.


I sell gas.

500bucks or so.
I do nothing. n33t. worked for a long time, not contributing to a system that aims to kill me and people like me.

2 mil
I shilled PNK

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currently developing on blockchain
i make money
thats all you need to know B)

You didn't even answer the entire question, nigger. Use your money and get an education.

What a comfy thread. Its nice to have rich frens.

If they knew, here, chance of getting tortured.

Bout tree fiddy

Extremely homosexual thread, also not politics

About 40 dollars, nothing but get remotely tortured by homosexual jews.

About 3k
Actually homeless living in a van
Fuck asians for driving rent prices up the dumb dogs

>How much money do you have and what do you do?
Say NIGGER whenever I please.

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I pay your mom to suck my dick.

300k I weld

28k. I'm a uni student working as a doorman with a bit of stock trading dough on the side.

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>Nigger posts with a few thousand at most

I sell nuclear weapons for the Russians. I have like 12 bucks in my bank account though.

I like your style user

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100k. Unemployed for 22 months but in a previous life i did roofing and had an engineering degree.

Solid 8 figures.
Unvaccinated and unemployed, semi retired due to illness. Vast majority of my wealth came from getting in on bitcoin in 2010.

$33 paycheck to paycheck
don't play genshin impact bros

Fifty bucks & a pineapple.