Triggered jew janny keeps removing flat earth threads because 4ch is a psyop

>What a faggot lol.

Imagine thinking you lived on a cartoon testicle shaped Earth then getting triggered when an actual science-minded person shows you that your belief is ridiculous.


Fuck off you hook nosed cunt.

This belongs in Any Forums - it is the most politically relevant thread you fuckwit jew faggots have had on this chan for YEARS.

Wise the fuck up.

Oceans do not bend in real life.

Also, beware, Any Forums is controlled ops just like every other fake news jew run site that hopes to keep you docile and control you with propaganda.

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>Why would they lie?

Work it out you fucking brainless clowns!

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The jannie is probably a globetard, nothing worse

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Back to /x/, kike-worshipper.

So the earth is flat huh?

>Jews have turned Earth into a slave colony.

A prison planet.

They brainwashed you in school and through media to think cartoons are science and reality.

You literally think you live on a cartoon shaped ball right now.

The only proof they've ever shown you of a ball shaped Earth is CGI and fisheye trickery.

Break free of this insane jewish larp!

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Judaism quite possibly would have expired in the tumult of the early Medieval Period had it not been for a single titanic evangelistic coup. In approximately 740 A.D., an entire empire was forcibly converted to Judaism by the decree of its emperor. This was the Khazarian Empire, centered in modern day Ukraine, comprised of a people of mixed Russian, Eastern Europe, and Western Mongolian descent. The Khaszarians took to their new faith like ducks to water. Even after their empire dissolved, never to rise again, they retained tenaciously the precepts of Judaism. In time these proselytes to Judaism gradually made their way in Eastern Europe. By the time the Medieval Period closed, they no longer considered themselves Khazarians, but jewish people, for it was the religion of Judaism that formed the backbone of their subculture.

Arthur Koestler, a modern Jew and a prize winning author, summarizes these developments in his best selling book, The Thirteenth Tribe: “Thus the Judaization of the Khazars was a gradual process which, triggered off by political expediency, slowly penetrated into the deeper strata of their minds and eventually produced the Messianism of their period of decline. Their religious commitment survived the collapse of their state, and persisted, as we shall see, in the Khazar-Jewish settlements of Russia and Poland.” (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 74)

Other sources document this important historical event: “The jewish people, expelled from Constantinople, sought a home amongst them (Khazars), developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mohammedans and Christians for the theological allegiance of the pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (740 A.D.).” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911, Vol. 15-16, p. 775)

>This guy gets it.

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Bible quotes, nothing more. no evidence in real life.

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How do we know outer space is a jew lie?....who worships on saturday?

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Modern Jews are Khazars.

Earth is level.

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>Nobody has been to space.

If you understood physics you'd comprehend why.

But for now, "what goes up must come down".

The globe Earth is a jew larp, nothing more.

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To learn from experience first requires one to start thinking and I know that is a doleful task. I never thought much until the 6th grade and even then, it was hardly noticed. Sporadically, I'd get those flashes now and again especially when a teacher spouted something which I felt was amiss. I didn't know it at the time, but my brain was stating to breathe. It was in 10th grade when I developed spine enough to confront a teacher, heretofore sharing the same exalted level as the priest whom you believed never farted. We were doing the construction routine in geometry class when I told Mr. Drinkwater that I was confused about the term "construction". I am not constructing a straight line. I am tracing the outline of a ruler I was told was straight. What if that ruler weren't straight? How could I tell? If we could trace the outline of a ruler, and call it construction, then why couldn't we trace the outline of a circular object and also call it construction? A circle, I thought, was an easier thing to make than a straight line. I recalled the circular path worn in the ground which our bull made as he grazed the limit of his tether. On the other hand, all the cow trails were never straight lines. Besides, here I am "constructing" a straight line by tracing an object with questionable straightness and upon a desk we were told was flat. What if it wasn't flat?

How could I tell? We were also told that a point was nothing; no width, no thickness, no length. Yet, if it moved, it produced something with length. I never quite grasped how nothing could be induced to move or quite caught on as to how someone could make something out of nothing. I think it wasn't long before I realized the vastness of faith which enclosed geometry like a death mask. We were learnig about angels, goblins and nothing. Mathematics no longer was "real" to me. It was elevated to the land of make believe -- fairy tales -- a philosophy of mental masturbation using symbols. Yet, this discipline which holds the record for having, by far, the greatest number of insane people engaged in it, was elevated to a religion. Those who did well in this fairyland were considered "intelligent" as in the days of old when all religious were considered as genius. Idiots certainly could never talk to God.

Yes khazar jews are evil that is why they've been kicked out of every country they've ever invaded.

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Evil jews strangled Germany then declared war.

Hitler was a jew, a zionist, and a Rothschild.

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wAtEr CaNt BeNd

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The first jew astronaut supposedly died but she teaches law at Yale

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If jannies allow schizo christcuck threads about jews who can walk on water they should have no problem allowing schizo flat earth threads as well. It's only fair.

We develop our critical faculties by questioning the beliefs we accumulated out of laziness or desire for profit. Rulers of people do not like people who think. I don't mean argumentative people for anyone can contradict anything without much thought at all. Thinking people soon realize that they are placing themselves in a "untouchable" class where others want nothing to do with them. Reality is a hard bone and it's better to dream about things which are not real. One does have complete control over his wishful thinking. Thus, one can end up a king in his imaginary realm.
Reat, from the planet Carbunk, zipped to earth one day in his Northrup R-32 UFO. It was his first trip there. He wandered about for a while and came across the Eloi basking in the sun. The Eloi had hair like the sun; skin the color of pure clouds and eyes like the rich blue sky. He gave them a name. It was Trepinom'ze, meaning in Reat's language, things which move but aren't purple. Later, in his travels, he came across other moving objects similar to the Trepinom'ze, but with fat lips with which they peeled long yellow fruit. They were as dark looking as the inside of his secondary rectum. (This was an evolutionary feature. A spare in case one failed.) Their eyes were black and so was their outer surface. Reat named them Trepinom'zud and wondered how things could be dark in the light. It indeed was very mysterious.

Lol, all Challenger astronauts are alive, now posing as 'twins'.

It's ridiculous.

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When Reat returned to his furschluginer planet he described the Trepinom'ze and the Trepinom'zud. He was interrupted by his superior, Hillilaf, who said authoritatively, "Don't you know that there is no such thing as Trepinom. We proved that before you took that trip."

"But," cried Reat, "I saw light which was light in the light and dark which was dark in the light. The dark was dark in the dark and the light was dark in the dark. In the light they were not the same. In the dark, I could smell the difference."

Hillilaf cautioned, "Dear faithful comrade, if the critters on that inferior planet can't tell the difference, then why should we have an interplanetary squabble over it. Heck, to heck, I'll bet they'll eat anything, including each other."

And it came to pass that Reat rested on the seventh day.
What I need is a good woman, a good dog, a horse, a cow, and 6 chickens, plus a shack in the mountains were I could eat, sleep and fish without having to watch idiots doing themselves in.

wAtEr FiNdS iTs LeVeL

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>What is surface tension?

Globies are retards, no shit, lol!

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I was sent an article where "scientists have proved there is no such thing as race." It was a synopsis of the old jew Boas baloney flavored with references to DNA. I am not about to point out the foolishness, and lack of logic, in that article. It will suffice to say that if there were no such thing as race, then what is hell is there to disprove? Arguing never changed anyone's mind anyway. A loaded gun stuffed up a nose? Maybe. But an argument -- never.

I was recently made aware of the "colloidal silver cure" for some diseases, or maybe it was all diseases. I scratched around and found a whole bunch of what the internet prizes so highly -- disinformation. In an authoritative article by a fellow named Lindermann (of the tribe?) I noticed right off that the article was severely tainted with disinformation, particular in regard to definitions.

First, a layman's background. If you ingest a certain amount of colloidal silver, your ills will go away. Maybe they will and maybe they won't. I am not arguing that. One takes super super super double pure silver sheets and places them as electrodes in a jar of distilled water. To these poles one makes contact with a 30V source of that wonderful source of energy harnessed by the evil White man --- electricity. After 20 minutes or so, you have a drink fit for the gods, or was it Godzilla? That's it, in a coconut shell.

>Blocking this retarded hasbara troll now.

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Nobody believes in your FAKE jew saturn

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The term "blue blood," along with "new blood" and "half blood", are old terms of hereditary implication preceding any wide spread use of silverware. The upper crust people of today dine exclusively on silverware and I have never met one yet who has bluish gray skin. This last statement is more scientific than any set of theories. It's based on observation -- not wishful thinking or gas bag references to other gas bag references.
In NY, the Gov just signed a bill making it legal for perverts to be your kid's teachers. The local mongrel radio mouth has been admonishing callers-in who oppose this, as terrible people who "discriminate." Whether some bunghole lover is a teacher or not, is not the real question. You have no right to refuse to allow your kids to be one of his students. As with the "refuse from foreign shores" muds flooding this land, they have more rights than those who live here. You are being told that a hungry man has a right to come into your home because he is "in need." When was the last time you voted on immigration policy? When was the last time you voted on whether faggots could have legal access to your children? Yet I hear you yap that this is a democracy. The race-mixed radio mouth mentioned that he was never bothered by a sweet person with an alternate life-style. That's understandable. I've seen him. He is as ugly and fat as sin and no hard up baboon would bother with him.

You literally just looked at curved water. The arguement is that WATER DOESNT CURVE yet I put 2 pictures of curved water. Your only arguement is more boomer Facebook images. Okay hun.

I am all for giving them their own board and banning both here. make it /cr/ for cultist retards.

I'm spamming your shit thread into oblivion until it's pruned.

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christmas was nice, they left the flat earth threads alone for a whole day or two.

I know, that's why I called you out, jew.

You must be extra dopey to not have realized that.


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The top picture would have to have been taken with a fish eye lens.
You are low iq.

>This image of a ball shaped earth is real according to my insane globe cult


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>admins are removing low IQ flat earthers

Hope they remove all 'never went to the moon' threads too.

Lol, I catfished one of you retards the other day. There's a bounty by the way.

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>Because your insane cult is malicious, just like the jews, yes.

You cannot stand that there are some people that are not brainwashed by your insane cartoon cult.

It drives you mad.

Oceans do not bend in real life.


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They should do to the words "flat earth" what they did to other words here which post different than typed. Would be Flat Earth= I'm Retarded

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>Globies think cartoons are reality, lol.

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So it's now confirmed you have nothing of your own work or ideas to add to the discussion. Yet another low IQ person wishing to be part of a special club that promise to be in on 'a super big secret' that the whole world just isnt smart enough to notice. You paragons of intelligence must really be onto something. If only a single one of you could find an actual way to prove it. You people cry CGI and Photoshop a lot yet SPECIFICALLY use photoshop as "proof"?
Oof, yikes, jinkies, you're retarded.

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Here you go jew boy

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Lol those pictures are time lapsed.
You are a fucking dumb cunt and you 100% do not know basic physics other wise you'd know why the trail curves on the time lapse.

Notice how this guy is no longer in the mainstream?

Good idea!

>Oceans do not bend in real life.

Yes they do. I own a sailboat with all the bells and whistles, RADAR, a SEXTANT, shit like that dawg. You, you're just a foolish little shill.

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