/NWG/ Northwest (Imperative) General aka the Butler Plan

There is only one strategy remaining to us that may be able to secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

Our last remaining hope to stave off extinction is the establishment of a sovereign and independent nation on the continent of North America for White people only.

The first step toward the establishment of the Northwest American Republic is a mass migration of the existing racially aware White community to the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, west of Montana and the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.

It is a matter of the utmost urgency that you make this vitally important commitment to the future of our people, that you do so now, and that you come to the Homeland with only the minimum delay necessary to raise sufficient funds and put your affairs in order.

>NWF Website

>Radio Free Northwest (new episodes on (most) Fridays)

>The Northwest Front Handbook (the White Book)

>the Northwest Independence Novels by Harold Covington
>The Brigade
>A Distant Thunder
>A Mighty Fortress
>Freedom's Sons
>The Hill Of The Ravens

>Radio Free Northwest Archive

>New Awakening's Bitchute channel

>Gab Group

>Telegram group

>Why it has to be the Pacific Northwest:

>HAC on Why the PNW
>Part 1
>Part 2

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Ahh yes, instead we should just keep voting for our jewish puppets.

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Zalzil amna Isroil

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Property in PNW is insanely expensive. 10k an acre or more.

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Yes. This has been constantly brought up in regards to the movement. At the current time there isn't much to be done about it sadly, we can only hope that the price of land/housing goes down.


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Based. Thank you

Bump. Get to sleep at a reasonable time, understand?

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>only one remaining strategy to save the white race
Not true OP, kind of gay of you to say.
That being said BEST WISHES to you.

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Am I invited to the cookout

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KEK. Understood, hopefully around 11 this time.

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>Is this a honeypot?
There is no honey - No community or service to be inflitrated and subverted by Feds.
There is no pot - No organization, group, heierarchy, or command structure to join.
The only people you should ever speak with about the NWF IRL are your core group of 2-5 close friends or family members. Never allow someone that asks to be in your "cell" to join. (If outsiders even know you belong to a cell, you fucked up). New cell members should always be recruited by INVITE ONLY. Once you reach around 5 (or less) people: Stop recruiting.
Cells are to refrain from ANY and ALL unlawful behavior until such time as Independence is formally declared and the NWF enters a state of open rebellion against ZOG (Zionist Occupied Government). This may not happen within your lifetime. It's really up to you.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

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>Not true OP, kind of gay of you to say.
That being said BEST WISHES to you.
Mind elaborating?
Of course!

We are united by our common goal, and shall only coordinate and organize anonymously online (behind 7 proxies). Cells may communicate with one another and be identified using tripcodes. DO NOT share your names, faces, equipment, or specific place of residence with any other cell. DO NOT post pictures of your backyard to show everyone how nice it is. Do not get any white nationalist tattoos, clothing, flags, etc. Do not use common knowledge dogwhistles in public.
Attention: Anonymous posters on Any Forums can be tracked across boards and threads through the filenames of your images. Please form a habit of renaming your images every single time you post them. Alternate between random numbers, letters, words that describe the meme, and a combination of all three.

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It is not good opsec for the same few people to be the OP of these threads every single time. The first thing you can do to support the white separatist movement is to check the catalog any time you visit Any Forums, and if there is no /NWG/ thread active, please steal the OP copypasta and make one. I have no formal connection to the NWF, or any more authority than any of you. I am Anonymous.

Protip: Many veteran Any Forums users have the word "general" in their filter list. Do not place the word "general" in the OP body or header, make them filter "/NWG/" if they do not wish to see these threads.

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Based. Good idea.

copy these posts and use them whenever you make a new /NWG/

Supposedly NWG was getting removed by the jannies for being "off-topic". I haven't created a NWG, only part take in them but since the removal of them I decided to the the initiative.

Will do.

Nice. Yeah, shills hate these threads and will do anything they can to derail and demoralize. Why? because this is something you can actually DO, that they can't stop or do anything about, and will actually succeed where all other strategies are doomed to failure. Do not engage with unserious people that have nothing to offer you but doubt

This. Its not like Patriot Front or any other nationalist organization that the feds can infiltrate and collect information. What are your thoughts on the price of land/housing?

I kinda old but I would like to be out there tending some backyard chickens and a bed of spuds when things pop off.

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Its never too late user, just be prepared for the environment. I'm sure you'll love it.


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>prepared for the environment
New England living is easy mode, what does prepared mean?

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