Affordable healtcare isn't socialism it's a human right

Affordable healtcare isn't socialism it's a human right.

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human rights dont exist

Which is why only countries which have the highest density of whites are most successful with socialized health care systems, right?

>human rights

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i cant wait until society collapses and the only rights you have are the ones you take

Do you call it free health care if you have to spend 6000€ every year on shit you dont need?
retarded mutts

>human right

I have the right to deny it to you

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Only if you get rid of the non humans
Blacks and beaners

You think we are even in the right timeline for that you are so lost man

>Just ultra tax everyone so we all can be poor.
>I want to spend my taxes so the crackhead next door can eat and commit more crimes.
We need a purge first and then I will reconsider.

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Saying “X is a human right” instantly destroys your credibility. Human rights are literally a fucking spook, they don’t exist

That's a lie fed to you by the media. Every fucking state in the union has free health care clinics all over the place run by the individual states. Every fucking one of them. But the bigger question is don't they have google/duckduckgo/bing/askgeeves/ where you live?

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You can't just declare positive rights and then expect those things to materialize. The Nordic countries had a high GDP per capita and HDI before they implemented huge welfare states.

Come to Canada and enjoy our third world health care that only covers the bare minimum and you are treated like shit.
Don’t like it? Well you cant go anywhere else because it’s all government run and all they donis useless procedures until you die because big daddy government signs the checks.

Also everyone there contributes and share the same culture.

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isn't Norway nearly totally propped up by oil profit
also don't they have a king

You got that bass-awkwards, assdumb.

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you can see this person tried really hard searching "beautiful aboriginal woman"

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Public welfare doesn't work in colonial shitholes full of niggers.

>private property


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people who dont work have no bearing on what is a right

thailand has free healthcare.
Fucking thailand man.
Guess what they have private healthcare too and its cheaper because of the public healthcare existing.