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The Arch-Jew has a special message for today

Xi Jinping is Bad


Attached: 15035691653.png (433x457, 115.72K)

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Full video here


>Now young Xiwalker, you will join us or die!

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I don't get it. On one hand they protected China and didn't let covid to be called China virus and on the other hand Soros is attacking China/Xi Jinping...?

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Why does Schwab love to suckle on Jinpings cock while this mf is shitting on him?

Will somebody tell this subversive piece of shit that some of us dont WANT open societies at all.
He looks younger btw wtf.
captcha = s0r0s
well that's not good

Realistically we should bomb china, for intentionally creating and releasing the coronavirus on the world, but we were accomplices, and xi is too far based for me to advocate for anything like that.

This undead demon looking mother fucker musta OD'd on some adrenochrome my god he looks fucking horrible

The Jew fears the ethnostate.

Attached: Chinese Miltary.webm (856x482, 1.46M)

What targets inside China deserve to be bombed because of your conspiracy theory and blame shifting for inability to control a simple flu?

>communist countries against soros
>meanwhile capitalist countries let it be destroyed by open soros

He's against them because they aren't slaves to the (((private banking cartel))). China has a state banking system.

maximum kek has been achieved.

Covid doesn't exist.

Fuck off kike


Xi Jinping is unironically the only world leader they don't have by the ball's.
(Besides Kim but who gives a fuck)
They fear that China might ruin their white genocide plan's if they usurp the west.

Why do they look so European? Many could pass for Spanish.


Don't like Soros or Xi. Simple as

Just because our enemy says someone is bad, doesnt mean that person is good. Both are pure evil and should be struggled against no doubt.

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There are people with such features in Chinese population, and they get promoted(if they not dumb). Watch this from 11 minute

Marching in formation is so fucking lame. Every second of it is just a waste of time.

>Jews run American mainstream media
>American mainstream media says China bad
>Jews run American mainstream right
>American mainstream right says China bad
>Jews run American mainstream left
>American mainstream left says China bad
>Jews run American alt-right
>American alt-right says China bad
>Jews run American alt-left
>American alt-left says China bad
>Jews run American military industrial complex
>American military indsutrial complex says China bad
>Jews run American ADL
>American ADL says China bad
>See?! Jews are playing both sides! Not with us! We support Donald Trump sama right fellow white goys?

Attached: how do you do.jpg (400x474, 117.94K)

The Sith were the good guys tho.

>He looks younger btw wtf.
makeup and good lighting work wonders

This makes no sense. The media was covering chinas ass when they released coronavirus and everyone was calling it the china virus.

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"ching chongpong has dismantled the heckin work of ding dongping" - George Soros

We've had an 'open society' for decades, and it has led to a population collapse, mass immigration, stagnant wages, drug/alcohol epidemics, and deaths of despair.

It's time for China to lead. We need a strong China to make Soros and the rest of the international cabal afraid.

if china is based because they have rice niggers then africa is based because it has niggers

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