Daily reminder that he will always be the best president ever despite what zoomers think

Daily reminder that he will always be the best president ever despite what zoomers think

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If you love this liberal you are a faggot like OP.

but he let crack decimate the inner cities for a decade and then...he just sat and watched as homosexual men died of full blown aids unabated

What is a zoomer, anyway?



>Owned slaves.
>Offered to pay the person who whipped a runaway slave that was apprehended..
>Had a parrot that used profanity to the point it was removed from his funeral.
>Killed a man in a duel.

Now tell me who the best president ever was.

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To that second part he did come around on that when a fellow actor friend of his in his Hollywood days ended up getting AIDS.

Reagan gave amnesty to tons of spics, retard.


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Anyone born around the '00s and onward. I dont know where zoomer would end.

There are people right now who unironically think Woodrow Wilson was in the best presidents category.

Marx was literally more right wing than this demented proto Biden

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Specifically Salvadorians. Which he was in part responsible for their mass migration.

Banned guns, legalized mexicans.
Yeah, whatta guy.

That piece of shit ruined us for generations

He's a piece of shit that sealed the browning of America.

I forget, were the Soviet spies in the room the FIRST time he made a deal with Iran to betray your country? Or was it the SECOND time, when the Iranians took advantage of the fact that they had blackmail material on him?

His only redeeming feature is that his alzheimer's made him unable to concentrate well enough to get anything done.

I think it's 'generation Z' + 'boomer'.

Ronald Reagan was a megafaggot piece of shit who sucked jew dick just like the rest of Jewmerica's politicians.
I'm so glad that filthy cocksucker's dead. May he burn in hell forever.

No. he didn't support guns. Ran deficits. Didn't deregulate.

Wonder how much literal jew cock Ronnie sucked and how many faggots he got bottomed by to advance his Hollyweird career. A guy who played roles opposite a literal chimp probably didn't have the dignity to say no to the casting couch.

Based, fuck the poor and fuck zoomers

He's the reason California will never go red because all spics he gave amnesty to. Millennials don't know but for many years California was more republican than Texas.

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>puts dollar of the gold standard
Into the trash he goes

I would piss on this traitor's grave if given the opportunity. The only peace I have is knowing he is burning in Hell.

>con the REDTEAM into supporting immigration with the 'Gonzervative Gonzales' hoax
>open the southern floodgates, amnesty
>triple the national debt
>Asia offshoring in full swing after Nixon's baby steps
>expand federal government
>curb basic constitutional freedoms, start of the forever-war on us soil against ordinary us citizens, dubbed the war on drugs
>actual treason, subsequent cover-up
unlucky, should've just vooted harder