5 Year old mixed race girl braver than 35 year old burly trucker

You're on the wrong side of history, chuds.

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his daughter is sterile and will kill herself when she finds out in 15 years

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Because his 5 year old daughter doesn't have any concept about the universe right to bodily autonomy and civil liberties. How do these retards function?

Pls kill me and end my suffering
I can't this world anymore
Plus faggot use your time instead of baiting people

being against mandates is completely different thing
this is a straw man
and doesnt btfo anyone
other than the kid who has to be exploited for their parents shitty ego trip on twatter

Too bad "amount of crying" being less doesn't improve the shitty safety profile of poison injections huh.

Plz sirs don't do that. Do the needful

imagine giving your 5 year old an experimental gene therapy

right after she's killed this jewjab shill of a father

wow a 5 year old accept tyranny without question. fucking who would of thought?

I am going to do the needful
*cocks shotgun*
Fuck jiggers, kikes, mutss, pass drinkers and Muslims
All of you suck

More Linus wisdom.

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That underbite

>Linus hapa kids sterilized
Based globalists

If this is the case the people complaining in downtown Ottawa have the freedom to move somewhere else. They just have to deal with the consequences

My six month old daughter stood up on the bus that was being carried by a train and said that the intellectual abilities of those who cannot withstand counter protests that are not as obnoxious and violent as their own signifies the racist conglomeration of a pedophile satanist jewish oligarchy.
Then everyone on the bus that has a jumbo jet on top of it as the train moved clapped then we used a jew as a pinata.
Now I'm going home to meet my dad who works for nintendo. He's going to give me a brand new Nintendo 65 2/3rds.

It is so funny how quickly people turn into cynical assholes as soon as they're on top.

...and now you know why his faggoty channel is recommended to everyone.

Is he fucking serious? Is the amount of shortage not enough for him to see?

If the vaccine works, why would covid hit endemic status?


Holy shit this limp wristed faggot just totally owned all the conservatives with le epic tweet! Someone call cnn we got a story that bleeds over here

Seems like a fitting end for a happa.

That cunny is gonna cry alot when I fuck it with my big American cock

>having freedom is not the same as having no consequences
So he is against abortion and aids infected homosexuals getting treatment?

Don't worry about it. They all die soon and the lake of fire = instant oblivion. There's a reason the CEO's are too clever to take 'their own' shot lmao. We're arguing over screeshots from some dead Twtiter arsehole when our perogative must, should and will be primary production to feed ourselves.

If you’re gonna date outside a race atleast hit a tight korean or a curvy latina for fucks sake. Why would you settle for a SEA-monkey

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