Explain yourselves, leafchuds!?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2022-01-31-at-9.18.33-AM.png (999x916, 1.42M)


I believe that flag represents the National Socialist party. It ruled Germany between 1933 and 1945.



Attached: 1624813315322s.jpg (210x250, 12.6K)

Jew here. Why do so many leftists call National Socialists "nazis" and why do they fight with them instead of trying to fight against global neoliberal imperialism? Serious question and I've never received an answer from an American '''Lefitst''' other than being threatened or them walking away or refusing to justify themselves

Ironically the people who seethe the most about this flag are socialists and fascists themselves

Attached: file.png (616x85, 16.53K)

the feds also left after being confronted by protesters

>woah seems like you have a lot of support and make a lot of good points, but unfortunately we were able to fly a nazi flag in your midst
>checkmate, you lose

>friendly jew

Attached: Screenshot 2022-01-31 155931.jpg (653x381, 41.45K)

Unless you're trying to establish white supremacy, I don't give a shit about your faggot ass "good points"

Someone needs to rip that mask off him and doxx him
Unless he's already accomplished his mission of painting the protesters as nazis, collecting his cheque from the government


are you retarded?

are you?

Obly a fed would fly Nazi and Gadsden flags together cause they don’t know any better, wasn’t Justins personal photographer taking pics of these feds? LoL you kikes are funny when you come here with the same old kike tactics….

Falseflag paid by Trudeau is obvious

All the flags have fold creases in only one area, indicating that they are brand new.

Looks like paid agent provocateurs to me.

Obvious false flag is obvious.
Fagdeau should have sprung for more than 4 "nazis" to show up for the photo op, but he dropped the ball, what a fucking loser.

I prefer Nazi gold to Jewish gold... simple as.

You would too.

Attached: glowies.jpg (900x865, 301.73K)

Because your tribe members are consistent in their damning stereotypes and your tribe moved in lockstep with communist governments that hate freedom of speech.

Leftists dont self-reflect. If you ask a question which prompts self-reflection they say "I don't want to have this conversation right now", start screeching or walk away.

literally one nazi flag and one confederate flag. these were the only people at the entire protest with their faces covered and Turdeau's personal photographer happened to be with them.

When people who work for Justin are the only ones flying a nazi flag, I don't think its to far of a stretch to say that Trudeaus people are the literal Nazis here.