Is this a green screen?

Lighting looks off
It’s brighter on the left side and the light from his face doesn’t seem natural with the background

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Attached: 1643653516152.png (2152x788, 1.49M)

Holy shit you just found the PM

That was fast

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Yeah it's been circulating for a bit. Now it's up to QC truckers

almost every appearance by every major politician is on a greenscreen these days, also controlled opposition shills like mike yeadon always appear on greenscreen

essentially, anyone who is part of the script, unsurprisingly

house on the left has white gutters, house on the right has black/dark

This, he's been found

This isn't up for debate retard. He's at Harrington lake.

but the example photo is the back of the house, whereas, Turdbros presser was at the front of the house

Theres two sides to that house dumbfuck

that's not a thing, you don't put different gutters on the front when you want your house to look nice. fucking retards.

Justin lookin' kinda thigg.

This will be his new bed

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O rely?

Attached: 1643656045773.png (2152x788, 1.03M)

that's very clearly a shadow. unless you think someone wanted gutters that have a gradient at a random spot.

Attached: 1643656045773.png (2152x788, 1.14M)

A shadow? Hahahaahahahahaa

Google it. There are several shots showing dark gutters on the building, this shit is stupid.

Attached: ZHVVLWOLYZFZJG5EGSJWMVH3LY.jpg (1200x800, 245.77K)


Tell the Truckers!