Pasta la vista

Pasta la vista

Attached: Screenshot_20220131-132950_Twitter.jpg (720x1131, 173.56K)

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>noooo you can't burn yourself to death I'm gonna make you live with painful molton skin in a suicide watch clinic!!

Feeling the same desu.
How do I make sure no pedestrian motherfucker tries to stop me and puts out the flame leaving me in perpetual agony? Brainstorm for me

Attached: __fujiwara_no_mokou_and_rich_evans_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_jokanhiyou__eb92d33b2f1954886937952971e578b9.jpg (462x461, 41.59K)

Attached: CKGTpY-GW2O8Hyiv.webm (320x564, 687.99K)

Suicide bombing?

Attached: ItsNotThatEasyBeingRedPilled.png (600x468, 428.23K)

I hope they were able to vax him before he died

Proof antivax are the real killers

That's a spicy meata ball

Attached: 1613145050219.jpg (1024x819, 117.45K)

Don't do it, user, they will laugh at your desperation

Lol wow us vaxxies are so BTFO now that you guys are killing yourself. You really showed us.

I do it to spite them

So should we kill you instead?

Covid gets another one, just get the hjab bigots

Attached: 1550271769567.png (1027x572, 535.14K)

This doesn't add up. If he was scared of dying from the vaccine then why wasn't he scared of killing him self by fire? I can't compute this.

Looks like the Jabronies claimed another scalp

As I said, they will laugh. Live, be successful, help your people, that's what you have to do, I understand that you want to end it all but you're going to die anyways at some point, waiting a few decades it's nothing.

Where the fuck did 3 fire extinguishers magically appear from?

>help your people
The people are dogshit. The whole problem stems from society being full of braindead retards being controlled by evil psychopaths. My faith in humanity no longer exists because it has shown itself to be worthless

The mind of the antivaxxer is an enigma one cannot hope to comprehend

>braindead retards
Those are not your people

There was that guy who had a bomb strapped to himself and the cops put him in handcuffs, cleared the area, and just let him blow up. It alledgely was all fone against his will, but you could literally do the same thing to yourself. Theyll clear the area for you, let you be and if your trying to make a scene, itll def attract as much if not more viewers then self emulation, plus if done correctly, would be less painful

Shitalians must carry them strapped to their backs.

>inb4 reported as covid death
may all the families of the current people in the government and their descendants suffer the torments of earth and hell to the seventh generations

Its fake

That's just sad to watch. Please don't set yourselves on fire when they are people far more deserving of being burnt to death than yourself.

Ive got one in my car
You should too
Plus, houses

This must be the worst way to die. That monk that did it in Vietnam sat still during the whole thing. Fuck!

Some European countries you must have one in car by law, or maybe it was from a shop nearby.

I do not understand self-immolation, if you really reached the point of no return would make much more sense start offing (in minecraft) random politicians and journos.

>Inb4 they're unapproachable
Just reserve an appointment with your local mayor and defenestrate the fucker on the spot... in minecraft

>Inb4 no gaypass no appointment
Just steal one of your realtives/friend, they will literally just scan the qr code without checking the data

Apparently it only sucks for a few minutes because all your nerves get destroyed :)

Every public building in Europe has to have a certain number of extinguishers depending on its size. He probably took some time to lit himself so those people had some time to grab one