Was Neil Young our guy after all?

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Just like a lot of artists, he made a deal with the devil

>Just like nearly every famous artist today,

faggot was an acceptable word just a couple years ago. 'Don't be a faggot,' was a common expression.

not really, even in the 80s it would be deemed a derogatory term

artists aren't that smart, they actually are the most npc people in the planet adopting new viewpoints in the first line trying to stay relevant, google any artists past interviews and you will be amazed

Neil Young has always been a fascist. His views have not changed.

Like any celebrity, whatever he said at any point in his career, was only ever to appeal to his fanbase at that time, and for his record label jew producers to make money and push an agenda
Back then it was beneficial for him to appeal to conservative minded people, now the market is woke faggots
These people are never /our guy/, they are the alpha NPC's, they only exist to be programmed, and then influence/brainwash their fanbase, they are the ultimate useful idiots

well yeah, but 'nazi' is a derogatory term and fully acceptable to throw at people. It was derogatory but not banned from the public lexicon

Look at that faggot on the MTV
that ain't working

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That's the way you do it.

No, he is a boomer and should die in Holocaust 2.0.

>cuckservatives on twitter are using this quote as a gotcha

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AIDS is totally the fault of faggots though, based Neil.

money for nothin

Now go dig up the shit he's said about blacks and other races.

boomers for free

Best post

Maybe in your queer country. I was born in 92 and I heard “faggot” and “nigger” all the time during childhood and teenage years

Cut your dick off on the BBC, nah that ain't working that's the way you do it

meth fueled gay orgies spread aids.

but neil young participated in those in southern california in the 60s

No. Aids and HIV was created by Fauci et al. He was running cover like he is now. What a fag.

must've sucked growing up as a nigger faggot

I used to hear faggot dyke on TV in the 90s

>there's a faggot at the cash register, you don't want him to handle your potatoes

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maybe younger neil young. modern neil young is a globohomo kike puppet. Any celeb or music artists coming out right now against Rogan is having their puppet strings pulled.

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>Was Neil Young the hardcore leftist from the 60s hippie era our guy after all because he said fags cause aids?

No, hes a boomer who acts like a boomer. Saying one based thing is not based in itself.

Sounds like he believed Fauci's propaganda then, just as he does now.

This was the lie Fauci pushed. AIDS is actually artificially created, Fauci highly likely involved.

My friends and all called everyone and everything "faggot" in middle school, and in high school it was only slightly worse than "retard." That was the 90s and early 2000s. You're just wrong and probably too young to remember

No it wasn't faggot. Way to admit you are underage.

Fuck you!

He used the ever popular "free medical treatment" trick, which a lot of homos hate him for

He's a CSIS agent and creation of tavistock

Same. Like calling something/someone gay..."90s gay"

Fuck Reagan, he ruined the Republican Party.

You're so full of shit. Revisionist nonsense faggot and gayfer were mostly PC

And calling something gay was like breathing air

> ywn be a little faggot with your own jet airplane
> ywn be a little faggot that is also a millionaire

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Shut up man youre gonna make the board freeze again
I cant wait tonsee if this ever comes out
This and covid would enable retribution murder for so many people

Even worse when fags rape kids to spread the gay