Peak oil

You will all die in 6mo. Mods are fags.

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Libs annihilated

For comparison Poland lost 10% of its adult male population every year in Ww2. That will be the world after 2025.
The population density is 100 per square mile. Hunter gatherers are 1. With topsoil 5 at 4000 calories, and half the population is kids.
So at starvation you might be 50. And then 20% of food is traded. The food trade alone keeps some libs alive.

I'll be surprised if you last that long, stupid as you are.

America and eu export most of the food. America has GOM to hold out. So that won't matter.
Europe has a few countries like Germany that are not at a sustainable density. But Germany has coal. Europe will just fall apart internally.
The world population will fall like 5% a year 2025-2035 then slow down, the remaining loss will be topsoil. By 2035 all the coal and light oil will be gone.


grow hemp thats all you need to survive

Red pill me on peak oil. I got into it about a decade ago and the argument seemed to be that our consumption will exceed the supply / ability to extract cheap high quality crude (low hanging fruit) and that we would have to dig deeper and do all sorts of crazy shit to get enough to meet demand. Has shale oil not resolved that issue? Why are we fucked I genuinely want to know.

Yea 2 more weeks cousin, 6 more months. You're just an annoying slide poster now.


Foreign aid grew 10%, food price 30% in 2021.

let's hope so

I'm scooping up bearish oil derivatives during these cold blasts. Oil and energy will tank again this summer.

They will, because tar. Then everyone will die.

it's not foreign aids if we're a global singular

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Really no point in holding stocks, everything will go bankrupt and collapse into holding companies.

OP is a VPN fag that spams the same thread every day. This will eventually be a problem but isn't now. If you point out the flaws in what he's saying he won't argue with you.

His argument is that the molecules being pulled out of the ground are heavy and don't distill into light weight petroleum products, instead you get what is essentially wax mixed with dirt and you have to use a different process to get the light weight molecules.
The problem with his argument is that these actually *contain more potential energy per unit* because the energy in petroleum is contained in the carbon-carbon (and carbon hydrogen) bonds. The longer the carbon chains the more energy (also the higher boiling point) you get. Retooling refineries to crack these large molecules will result in *temporary* shortages but it is *not* an indication that we've used up all the oil in the ground (in fact it's arguably an indication of the opposite.)

Jidf the problem is that tar and condensate aren't oil.

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You can't just take random dirt, call it oil, and survive. That's all they are doing.