A Jew makes a book depicting his own people as rodents

>a Jew makes a book depicting his own people as rodents

Do Jews secretly know they're gross?

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Why do you think they're so destructive for the world?
They have to contend with their face in the mirror each day.


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this thread makes you look dumb and crude

He portrays his dad as a self-justifying conman who submits multiple other jews to certain death by exposure and starvation so that he could survive.
There are also no gas chambers pictured, just the same old "we always heard rumors but saw nothing" schtick..

Seething Jew detected

>Jews are vermin
>Germans are cats
>Written by a jew
He knew what he was doing, he knows what his race is doing
Cats have a good reason to hunt rats…

>Do Jews secretly know they're gross?

It's no secret. They'll say it openly. But if *you* say it, you go to jail.

Got this as a kid from our public library's kid section. Was intrigued by the cool stylized cat with the mustache on the cover. Ended up utterly disappointed and the first stone of my life's road down hate-filled anti-semitism was laid

Why were you disappointed

why is this fag suddenly spamming this cringy boomer comic book
do they think zoomers would be affected by it
because they wont
its impossible to keep the holocaust lie alive in the age of information

its shitty propaganda and a 100% phony story just like the diary of anne frank


Yes. They have to avoid mirrors and reflective surfaces or they have to pretend that it isn't their reflection they are seeing, or that they will transform into blue eyed blonde nords, etc. They are truly this vain/insane.


That comicbook is insane. Nazis cats holocausting jewish rats. If it author wasn't jew himself, it would be seen as far right crime against jews.

Someone asked me to read that book because muh holocaust. My main memory is the writer describing how his dad used to leave the stove (gas was included in the price) lit permanently in his rental property so he didn't have to spend money on matches. That sums the problem up quite well. Added pottery is that he was probably gassing himself slowly with carbon monoxide.

They mock us with their films and have done it for decades.
Treat them like the rats they are.
A Jew will always double cross you because they are baby-raped schizophrenics that cannot maintain emotional consistency.
The trauma makes them pathologically adversarial and extremely passive aggressive.

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We had to study a few pages of that shitty propaganda book during high school and pretend it was a masterpiece.

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>uses animals as an analogy to the ns propaganda
>depicts the hierarchichal system of the prisoners in a kz
>in some scenes the animals are humans wearing the mask of the animal attributed to them
>"hurr durr, why joo man show himself as a rodent"
God, you niggers are so intellectually dishonest or retarded it hurts.