Italy General - But Our Princess Is in Another Castle

Tomorrow Super GP is going to be enacted basically everywhere, and lot of people are going to have their GP expired. Vaccination rates are falling (luckily). So, you either get a booster, or you are going to be a no-vaxx (two doses = no-vaxx). How will it play out? Even vaxxies are tired, and many of them started to not care of COVID measures anymore.

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Here in France apparently there are 9 million people who have not had their booster, meaning that their pass sanitaire / green pass has been deactivated. That doesn't seem to deter the government, however.

I’m really curious to see how it will play out. Tomorrow they’ll fine all the over 50 people who haven’t get their mandatory vaxx.

People can either come together and get vaccinated, just like all the other slavish shit they do, or they can come together and not get vaccinated.

Tell them all not to pay. They can shove their fines up their arse

They are going to include the fine’s amount in the tax filing. Also, our public administration has the power to check and withdraw money directly from your bank account. Now, do you understand why we hate this country so much?

Should see the fine collectors out here. I'm rural and the cops spend all their time scanning car number plates, if there's some unpaid fine or whatever attached to the plates then they pull them over and impound the car until payment is made. This is a pissy little town of 5000, they collected over 3 million in fines during last winter.

how big is the fine?

100 euros. It’s going to be sent to 1.8M Italians.

How good is the gov at collecting taxes?

Very good. But they don’t really care if you don’t pay it, because, this way, they can charge you with tax fraud in a second moment.

That's the plan, if you pay fines you are a cuck, if you don't they charge the fine till you go bankrupt and have to sell house.

You have ‘till October tho. Still, fuck this government!

Sounds even worse than France. Luckily I'm leaving this shithole soon.

perchè siete così spaventati da una punturina?

we're nigger cattle.
Even canadians had better protests than ours.
Austria's max vaxx campaign is going to be shut down by the supreme court.
You're living in the worst country in this world.

>So, you either get a booster, or you are going to be a no-vaxx (two doses = no-vaxx)
I got two doses at the last minute in October so I wouldn't have to deal with that shit and now they're telling me it was pointless because I need to get the third shot anyway?

user, I...

Enjoy unknown side effects. Maybe not, maybe yes…

I'm the strongest man who ever existed. Even if it was poison, which is not, I would be unfazed.

>trusting the government
>trusting the Italian government
Serves you right for cucking in!

Don’t (you) the namefag GT.

Why did you get the vaxx then?

to not be restricted and to make my relatives feel somewhat safer.

>Don’t (you) the namefag GT.

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Like 90% of people who got the jab, I did it so I wouldn't lose my job not because I trust them.
Just like 0 doses is better than 2, 2 is better than 3, which is better than the forever jabs they're planning.
Why isn't this country of sheeps protesting yet?

What a cope! So you are either admitting that your family genetics is trash, or that your family is a burden on our healthcare system and they are milking taxpayers for squeezing out more few years of life.

>that your family is a burden on our healthcare system and they are milking taxpayers for squeezing out more few years of life.
this, other people exist to serve us

People are protesting since the beginning. But you only need to manipulate the narrative a bit to give the illusion of no one protesting. And in a country of sheep, you have a ripple effect. Also, since some people were indeed firm on their positions, they had to resort to making protests illegal and not giving out permissions to protest.

You outed your trolling too fast kiddo. Learn the how-to.

...being subjected to experimental mrna therapy doesn't stop transmission...god I hate nigger cattle like you.