you have to take a side between batshit antivaxxers and people who think women can have dicks

> you have to take a side between batshit antivaxxers and people who think women can have dicks

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Only because normalniggers' absolutist black-and-white false dichotomy brains made it commonplace. It only took me a few seconds after seeing who runs both parties to get the hint.

welcome to 21 century, face the truth user

You never asked yourself how and why they managed to convince you that refusing to take an experimental vaccine for a disease that poses no threat to anyone under the age of 60 that doesn't suffer from any health issues is a batshit crazy position?

I feel the same user, it is all so tiresome

>think women can have dicks
t-they cant???

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I’m not anti-vax, I’m anti-blax. I’m against the vaccine precisely because I want COVID to kill as many migrants and shitskins as possible. I’d be pro-vax if not for them.

How tf are both even comparable? One's freedom of choice and the other is denying biology

cope.. antivaxxers are usually batshit crazy unhinged white trash extremist "patriots"

He's saying you have to choose far right or far left, which are both fucking stupid for different reasons. Instead he should just be a centrist chad and ignore both extremes

you'd be killing way more huwhites, frog

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it's not even the *far* left or *far* right
disagree with anyone even slightly left on troons and you may as well be hitler
and the same is becoming true of the right and anything about fucking covid
living in a barrel and masturbating all day never seemed so appealing

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The clot shot isn't a vaccine, faggot. CDC had to alter their definition of a vaccine in order to consider the genentherapy a vaccine.

It's ironic that conservatives accuse others of being NPCs then repeat their antivaxx talking points like good little automatons as per this post

>you have
you dont. MSM lumps you together with the full-on antivaxx position in order to pressure you. I know sereval people that are provaxx only in certain conditions e.g. for +65yos

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It's not a talking point, it is a fact.

>MRNA gene therapy is a vaccine
Tiresome, indeed.

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And you are a fag

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tfw i have to share a fucking island with this boot licker

user, go live somewhere else, for the love of god, please.

you cry for vaccines
your probs very sad that mask mandates have ended
ugly cunt
i will boot your mother for raising such a cuck
tell your mother she raised a little bitch

> false dichotomy
> muh antivaxxers, muh liberals, muh conservatards, muh commies....
if you have to rely on labels generated by the opposing camps meant perpetuate "othering" in order to demonize, then you're not as smart as you think you are. think for yourself and get out of such unidimensional thinking.

tough choice indeed cuck

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Most people with PhDs are fucking retards

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It's a conservative anti-vaxx talking point and intentionally deceptive. The last advance in vaccination technology was in 1950 with inactivated viruses used in the Polio shot. mRNA vaccinations are vastly quicker to produce, but use a different mechanism to generate immunity. Of course the definition of vaccine was updated to reflect the advance in technology.

If people like you existed in the 1950s, you'd be saying 'AHHH YOU CANT CALL INACTIVATED VIRUS A VACCINE ITS NOT REALLY A VACCINE WAKE UP SHEEPLE'. Science moves forward regardless of what mouthbreathers like yourself think.

They had to change the definition of vaccine so they could call people who refuse it anti-vaxxers.

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american phds are not the same as ours
fuck, even their undergrad programmes are miles behind us
do not compare their education system to ours, it is a false comparison

Kek it's a experimental gene theraphy faggot not a 'vaccine'

kill yourself vaxxed cattle

The definition changed because technology changed you spectacular faggot. Vaccines have changed repeatedly throughout history. In US civil war times, you literally had to put smallpox pus in an open wound to vaccinate against smallpox. Was that a vaccine? Yes.

sorry bruce, you want us all to just follow the science, right?

when your bloodline was removed from this island it was a blessing for us. Keep being a good colony now. follow the orders. follow the science. scream and cry and isult until everyone agrees with you.

fucking. dickhead.

the replies in this thread prove i'm right
if i posted this on reddit or twitter i'd be banned or dogpiled by insane trannies and liberals
here it's insane antivaxxers
there is nowhere for sane people

go get boosted
your bloodline needs to end with you
so it is spoken.
go away, you fucking embarrassment

For some reason conservatism is entirely about anti-vaxxerism nowadays. Not small government, not low taxes, not any traditional conservative value, just hating modern medicine.

And lol the midwit strikes again

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leave this island
you are a disgrace to the flag
you are a broken man
if you are white, there is some hope for you
if your mixed/non, youre just fucked
leave this island
your kind is not welcome here.

Just stand with the tranny, cowards.

it's sheer tribal contrarianism
they define themselves by hating liberals so they can't bear the possibility that liberals might be right about anything at all
that means opposing all modern medicine since liberals supported vaccinations
the dumbest thing is that if the vaccine had shown it worked under trump, liberals would probably be substantially anti-vaxx by now

No nigger it's a gene theraphy being marketed as a 'vaccine' othewise midwits like you wouldn't take it like the CEO of Bayern already commented on you are being bamboozeld take the l

go be with the trannies, faggot
we dont want you
youre a fucking retard serf midwit
go with the trannies

The most ridiculous part is that Trump started the vaccine program and now his own followers hate him for it, because vaccinations are now a 'liberal' thing, despite him fucking starting it

conservative.npc activated, beep boop