What are the political implications of this?

What are the political implications of this?

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practically nothing
nobody goes to barnes and noble anymore, their selection is shit
and keeping books out of a curriculum doesn't do much when every kid is on social media anyways

where is mein kampf

Whoever is banning these Kike books is based

What are they banned from, exactly?

Barnes had this when even Amazon won't list it

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>harry potter


>hunger games
>harry potter
>handjob tail
If only they were banned for real

Bookshops lose money, they are moneylaundering fronts for government welfare - zombie corps that exist entirely off bailouts and are used purely to control information.

Wake up fucker, its later than you think.

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>some of the most read books ever
>banned books
How to be perfectly aligned with power yet also think you're ''the rebel''.

So banned they are available for purchase!

That was my first thought as well.

there's some weird ritual people follow when they become a washington insider, they have to meet some book agent that writes their book for them. I can't remember most of it but it's weird. My theory is they basically rewrite your personal history and make you put stuff in the book if you want in. They also discovered a lot of warehouses of books in the early 2000's.

Also it's fucking rigged when somebody's book becomes required reading on a national level, that's an obvious scam. Parent's have to buy some weird fuckers book about sucking off cows or something. Same as requiring all schools to install windows.

It's all fucking rigged.

>They also discovered a lot of warehouses of books in the early 2000's.
*warehouses of books that were supposedly purchased by customers

Is Satanic Verses among them at least?

The books are all normie-tier popular bestsellers that someone complained about. They aren't banned at all

All of those garbage books deserve to be banned except the Lorax. He didn't take shit from the (((Onceler)))

>Banning a brave new world
This would be like Jews banning he rt ford's books. They dont want you to see their plans.

I mean to be honest, it's a little cruel to not install windows in schools. Kids love to look outside.

'banned' books

I go to B&N to hit on weeb and leftist chicks. Its a good way to get laid easily

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Lol none of these are banned outside of remote villages in the Middle East. Read the hate you give for a uni course and it’s more blatant propaganda than quotations of Mao Zedong.
This ^

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How are they banned? They're sitting right there in the store.

>banning Fahrenheit 451 to not offend anyone

You read it in uni? Isn't it YA fiction?

He was talking about the glass panes that let light in, fucking idiot

Don't ask questions

They can still look outside with no windows installed, but HVAC doesn't do shit.

what is the Any Forums version of banned books?

the bell curve?

Gave the damn thing out in the second highest literature course which is hilarious given it was at an Ivy League. Also yes it is no better than the hunger games as a 6th grade YA novel for preachy faggots and niggers.

Have any general idea of sauce? That seems interesting

Christ you Any Forumsacks are fucking autistic.

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