This is a 1960s voting test. Debunk my results Any Forums, I got every question correct...

This is a 1960s voting test. Debunk my results Any Forums, I got every question correct. If you think you can do better post your version. Should Any Forums be allowed to vote?

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Attached: F9659734-E63C-48A0-B7CE-2AD35AD3ABDF.jpg (598x1024, 93.03K)

Stop reposting this thread.


You failed 6


11 is correct, you are in fact the retard

No I didnt

3 is incorrect. You "x'd" it out, you didn't cross it out. Better luck next election nigger.

3 circles with each circle in the other. Back to the plantation.

Attached: i.jpg (480x270, 20.33K)

You also fucked up 1 and 4 by circling when it clearly told you to draw a line around.

An x is a cross dumb fuck that’s the reason we call kikes, kikes. Because they hate crosses so much they draw circles instead of X’s

It doesn’t say each dumb fuck, read it again

Exactly. It's intentionally vague so that no matter what someone does on it, they can mark it wrong.

It's says one inside the other. In English, the language you have tenuous grasp of, that would mean that you draw a ring of three circles. Get back to the cotton field, darky.

did you click on it? there are two more pages

So they're essentially admitting that even MODERN blacks can't even pass it??
Holy fucking shit, cool it with the racism lady.

>Literacy Test (This test is to be give to anyone who cannot prove a fifth grade education.)
>given to black people
They are really trying to make this test seem evil. Not my fault niggers never went to school.

This. OP is retarded

Still eludes me why it's wrong, we shouldn't have let women vote let alone the negro male

This thing is a piece of piss, niggas self own, watermelon tiem

Let's be real. Probably 50% of the voting population of any given western country would fail a test like this.

wrong learn t read

Attached: easy genius.png (1004x1418, 698.27K)

You got eleven wrong, one million is a one with 9 zeros, what they presented is a one and 10 zeros so you need to cross out a zero. Crossing out the one makes it zero. They may also mark the last one incorrect as you don't pass under the middle of the 2s circle, if you started more to the right it would be fine but then that may also be a pass depending on the leniancy of the tester.
I would 100% approve a test like this today. What is functionally an IQ test to limit voters? Yes please, but no need to limit it to just blacks, go ahead and give it to everyone.