Why does the media go after blizzard but turn a blind eye to FFXIV?

FFXIV is far more abuse ridden than wow ever could be. Case in point:


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Because it's okay for trannies to be bullies.

big bump I'm cancelled ingame for calling out pedos

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>the Jew fears the samurai

Like who? Lalafel are in the lore and its not much different from having a small wife irl.
t. Six foot 5 and my wife is 4'9

Who cares about some random fucking discord. The staff at Square Enix isn’t abusing people. Just about the entire senior staff of Blizzard was fired for sexual harassment.

I called out someone NOT talking about lallafels lmao. they were straight up talking about grooming 13 year old girls.

Yeah I hear Neil young and foo fighters quit recently

Why would the media go after Square when your evidence is Discord? Your own logic would dictate the media should go after Discord.

>defending blizzard in 2022
I can’t even imagine how deeply your mental illness runs.

Oh hey, that's the video game I play! Hi fellow Balmungers

Kek. /pol gets bullied by trannies


Report them. Both ingame and fbi or whatever. Then be happy you did your civic duty.

You mean you?

He’s a mentally ill WoW tranny. You must understand that there are only two types of WoW players
>the addicts that know it’s shit but keep coming back like an abused wife
>the addicts that need it to be good because if it’s not then they have to admit they’re playing because they’re addicted
There are no normal WoW players.

>using The Balance
>using Reddit for any reason
It's like going into a sewer and being surprised you see a turd floating by

I want to play this game but I just can't be arsed to trudge through the stories, that and nobody I know wants to play it with me.

they're elves faggot

they're small, slender, and have perfect skin and no wrinkles, and they are pure and act youthful with a child-like wonder and innocence, but they're thousands of years old

there's nothing sexual about it, its a good game with a good story

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Because a bunch of straight dudes said something that hurt a hamplanet's feelings in regards to how shit WoW is these days and thus it exploded. Shit like that doesn't happen in a nip company.

it's true, ffxiv is for troons



inb4 troons seethe at this based young lad

>tfw cucked skye out of grooming a 17 year old into being a tranny one time and he had a colossal meltdown at me
>lost the screenshots when my old as shit HDD died
while the balance is definitely full of groomers and pedophiles there's nothing in this video that actually points to it

Lalafells are one of the most overt jew allegories I've ever seen.

Yep. I'm a proud tranny that bullies and dabs on chinlet chuds night n day. What's that make you?

>think they’re going to be lame jap pedo race
>they’re fucking evil kikes that you constantly want to gas
Based japs.

>Abuse ridden
How many ff14 devs have been accused of rape and terrorizing a coworker to death? Fuck off faggot.

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probably so microsoft could acquire them for far cheaper stockwise. i wouldn't ne surprised of that eas the case, and we'll slowly see positive press again. no ones looking to buy/acquire square enix atm, or they know the japs aren't going to sell or be nearly as influenced by negative media coverage.

blizzard died to me when most blizzard north left. i think the quality went to shit after 2005ish, despite me playing wow for years. i won't rush to defend them, but i've heard normies only mention the press shit about blizzard rather than talk about the games or their quality (or the lack thereof depending on thegamenow). they either talk about hong kong shit or sexual harassment instead.