It’s over. Spotify embraces social equity, diversity and accountability

Y’all lost :) and it’s beautiful

The rules say that creators should avoid content that "promotes dangerous false or dangerous deceptive medical information that may cause offline harm or poses a direct threat to public health".
These include suggesting that Covid-19 or other diseases are not real and encouraging people to deliberately get infected with coronavirus in order to build immunity.
Content which breaks the rules could be removed, and repeated violations could lead to an account being taken down.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What can I say but BASED

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They lack any sincere sanctity or grace

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So any information promoting vaccination should be removed.

>have never used it
>never installed it
>never will

Calling it a vaccine is dangerous misinformation that could happen people offline

Will Spotify enforce this rule and save lives?

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lol pathetic, of course its some hong kong pussy so glad about this. Idk how you people celebrate media and government control like a good thing

Hello lysenkoist

Good deal if you're Pfizer and needs to sell some snake oil

>Y’all lost
Lost what? A puppet show? Rogan is a controlled opposition gatekeeper, not the thought leader of the anti-covid-hysteria movement. Meanwhile, truckers are taking it to the street. The real people are closing in on the ground. Enjoy your children's theater while you still can.

Planning on crashing this civilization, with no survivors?

Anything that is hypodermically injected intramuscularly and builds an immune response against a previously unencountered virus is a vaccine. I don't understand why antivaxx brainlets think they're so clever saying 'ITS NOT A VACCINE'. The delivery tech advanced for the first time since 1950, but the concept is identical. It's like people upset that we use computers to write letters now instead of typewriters.

amazing how leftists CRAVE the corporate boot on their necks forever.

So, let's take that image seriously for a second. We are already in the 1) didn't happen stage. In about 5 months we'll be in the 2) didn't happen stage. How many of these have to not happen before we stop seeing this image floating around?

You lost your last "free bastion" platform that can spread known misinformation and fake news.

Nah, we just want poorly educated right wingers to get vaccinated and stop overloading the hospital system with preventable illness. People can't get lifesaving cancer treatment and operations at the moment because of the unvaccinated.

What site do you think you're posting on LMFAO

i know, this is multitudes more disgusting then america sucking off donald trump for 4 years, both sides suck but the leftists REALLY suck lately

Do you really think that'll stop Joe Rogan?

>induce bodies own cells to express spike proteins
>potentially triggering immune system to see own cells as threat
>inducing a half assed, single antibody immune response
>to the most rapidly mutating part of the covid virus
>"the concept is identical"

Haha, oh no! Whelp i guess i wont be getting that spotify subscription.

I'm just not taking it (the vaccine)

>vaccines have negative efficacy against omicron
>you're MORE LIKELY to get infected if vaccinated
>classic sign of OAS/ADE
>predicted by every virologist who said "a single antibody synthetic vaccine is retarded"

>stop overloading the hospital system
You already succeeded. If I come down with the flu I will avoid hospitals as though my life depended on it. And at this point I would think twice about going to the ER if I broke a bone. Why don't you just declare Operation: Dr. Creepy Weirdo a victory and move on already?

That's a lot of words for "antiwhite".

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Do you really think it's a bad idea for a younger person in good health to get Omicron deliberately? Natural immunity can last up to 17 years, and Omicron is barely killing anyone. Why should we pass up an opportunity like this, when future strains could be more harmful and the vaccine manufacturers obviously cannot keep up? What do you suggest instead, a booster designed for a strain that was prevalent 8 months ago?

Frankly it's beginning to look like you guys don't really know what you're talking about.

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burn it all down man

Yes, you win.... a vax that failed in every measure. Forced on hundreds of millions to "stop the pandemic" and Omicron walked through it like the paper tiger it is. Best to shut down all suggestions of its failure rather than deal with the fact its a complete failure.

die you subhuman vermin cunt

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So the oral polio vaccine from the 60s isn't a vaccine now?

>this just means it's working!
>t. Maxx Vaxxer

lol didn't read

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kys you dumb fuck

It's amazing how one person is making the MSM, government, kikes, pharma companies, and twitter retards seethe and collapse.
You fucking retards really did build a house out of cards didn't you?

>The rules say
2022 and the SJW assholes hold more guilt than the religious.

Neck. Yourself.

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>he says as he licks the shit off of his pfizer handler's boots

It's well poison, you dummy. Not even a real account.

As anyone who has listened to the serious people raising concerns about these vaccines will tell you, the danger is micro-clotting in the capillaries causing long-term strain on the heart, and spike proteins gathering in the ovaries and harming fertility. There is plenty of evidence that this is already happening.

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>>potentially triggering immune system to see own cells as threat
it's not a potential, that's literally what it does. the only thing you have is the producers "assurance" that it stops doing that after X amount of time

>plebbit troon brigade thread

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