It's fucking over

FUCK BOOMER CONS. You worthless ignorant zogbots don't understand shit about the world you live in or who is attacking you.

This is the truckers coms. They are talking about taking orders from the cops about clearing parliament hill so people can go to work, and not block work traffic.

"We don't want to comply into slavery like we've been doing, but we can't disrupt normal people".

Attached: its over.png (1600x729, 687.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>"We don't want to comply into slavery like we've been doing, but we can't disrupt normal people".

this is an actual quote from that stream.

I hate boomers so much. Fucking useless. The moment “muh jobs” gets brought up they stand at attention like a leftist when race is brought up. Worthless people.


Was just a waste of time then wasn't it

Only incels will do anything. Revolutions start when the local military armory gets raided by a bunch of desperate, frankly suicidal, males.


This will be pushed under the rug by Friday.
Probably sooner.
Mandates will be instated for interprovincial travel to prevent it from happening ever again.

Wtf. The Way to achieve Revolution is to disrupt everything. Even normal people's lives so they also start to demand a change. How the fuck these retards can't see that? You have to cause so much economical and social disruptions that will cause establishment to collapse under its own weight. Go all in. Close all roads. Don't let anyone to go to from place A to B. Make it hell so they demand lesser hell.

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I just wanted them to block 2 grocery store shipments. Fucking globo homo is 2 food shipments away from dying.

Please just fucking give me a week of blocked shipments for the love of heavenly virtues, sanity, my kids, and western civilization.

I just want to experience a Faustian culture.

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Canadians dont have the balls to take it to the next level.

more jew lies and disinformation.

it's in the live stream. listen to these comms. It's so fucking tragic, they don't understand at all. They still think they are going to look reasonable, change minds, and be liked.

>I just want to experience a Faustian culture.
sorry, you get a Faucian culture


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It's the latest demoralization tactic. Go to the canada unity page, they are 10 steps ahead of any problems. There's also the #secondwave en route.

Caltrops=DIY roadblock

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Trucker chuds use piss jugs. If they start hucking those over the streets of Ottawa I’ll have a shitfit. I have a Maltese to walk you bigots!

You seem upset, let me SAGE this for you.
It goes in the options field bros.

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Nooo. Why are you not antagoniazing people? Try harder faggot shill

I am not sure if we will be able to see a Cultural Renaissance for us. But if we fight against globohomo, elites and politicians, our kids or grandkids might get to experience that.
Maybe you are not going to believe me but I would fight to death for white culture and white race. I might not have a place in it but I would gladly help you guys to build it again.

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Mass movements rarely overtake the political order. This is merely a law of power.
It's not enough that one class of people, even the elites, mobilize. An actual revolution requires all phylum of society.
Unless they get help from some band of politicians, cops, soldiers, and academics, they will fail.
For example, the American Revolution. It was started by educated lawyers, and backed by soldiers and the people.
In the other hand, say a gang of soldiers led by a handful of politicians back this event. It could definitely overtake the society.

Now they are saying the majority is on their side, and every cop they talked to supports them.


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Meanwhile, on the ground people are partying and hunkering down.

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Oh their already discussing it for truckers only time to starve because treaudu was an idiot

>I just want to experience a Faustian culture.
Do you know the story of faust?

The globalists are Faustus for fucks sake, is that not obvious?

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I am not sure if you read Turner Diaries but Pierce really describes how a revolution ought to play out in modern times. Most people are so brainwashed as NPCs today, they are beyond saving. And they won't contribute anything to a real movement.
We need a real underground movement to do high value disruptions and intel gathering on VIP targets. There are no other solutions at this point. Power structure won't let you to take over by peaceful means in minecraft.

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I think enough people support the protests, and enough people are getting a taste of freedom that it will be difficult to go back. The mask mandates didn’t end here because the government ended them. People just stopped playing along. There was a time when I would only see one or two other guys in the store not wearing the mask. Now only a handful of true believers remain and the official rules have adapted.

This is functionally impossible in todays technological and social environment.

You need to give up on your larp and embrace populism before we are all in a camp.

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>The Way to achieve Revolution is to disrupt everything
Everything is disrupted. Even the vax cucks know that they gave up control over themselves. This issue already touches everyone, I think it’s a smart move to not be a dick about it. Hell, I’d probably support the blacks if they were actually peaceful.