Is the final form of schizophrenia believing you yourself are an elitist...

is the final form of schizophrenia believing you yourself are an elitist, thus subconsciously manifesting it into reality?

so many poltards express great fear of this unknown enemy that is creating an inevitable push to a totalitarian, one world government..... but doesnt this poltard fear just come from their own pathetic weakness to do anything to stop it...? so many of you on Any Forums act like you deserve to change the world when realistically you're probably just high on drugs as you pathetically rot in your disgustingly trashed rooms that you have 0 motivation to clean while shitposting radical nazi politics as a means of coping with your miserable reality...... like your one step from a truly disgraceful demise...

but... if you were to be organized... if you learned to not need to cope.... if you were to focus your heart on the ideals you wish to fight for and die by... by any means necessary... with the knowledge you ALREADY do have.... and the tenacity to question your world without letting yourself fall into a pathetic existence out of utter fear... then arent you also one step away from being an elitist?

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oh look, another glowpost talking about schizophrenia

awww so cute, look at this leaf scared of the government

we just want to watch to world burn

your money and pseudo psychology is useless here

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oh i see, you wish for the world to burn... so it's important that types like you remain controlled in order to prevent any kind of collapse from occurring

>so many poltards express great fear of this unknown enemy that is creating an inevitable push to a totalitarian, one world government

Except they aren't unknown. It's the learned elders of Zion, whoever, whatever they are.

Hello kike

No, jew, go fuck yourself, you have real brain issues.

although jews are the visible 1% of society, their cultural greed is something that can be used by higher level elite. they also make the perfect scapegoats of any falling society (ie. holocaust)

your jew fear makes you weak

You are too jewish to be taken seriously. LOL

keep whining and blaming jews for everything (of course your blame is partly true), but your fixation on a singular culture makes you just as susceptible as they are to be used by a higher power

they probably have more money than you, so keep whining out of weakness to them while they conquer your goyim ass

What fear? Your just making shit up and defending kikes, like you kikes do here every hour of everyday. What's the point of lying on here?

just know when you attribute everything bad about the world that's happening to jewish influence, you're only jewing yourself.

ill let you whine about jews only when you have more money then most of them have, otherwise your just whining because they won and you lost like a little bitch

>making shit up still
Lmao you whine that the white race exists, and you think your poor demoralization posts effect reality

i was hoping my OP post came off positive, i was trying to say that all of poltards are a step away from being an elitist themselves if they learned to not give into fear and racial cope posts. im not trying to demoralize anyone, just maybe question that if this pol hatred and fixation maybe actually be displays of weakness rather than strength

>911 was done by Muslim terrorists
>there is no global genocide of the white race and jews are not behind it
The Talmud is written in English, pedophile.

muslims were obviously too brown to be able to execute 9/11 on their, it had to be masterminded by primarily white american/uk elitists

and yes theres a genocide on middle class whites and the jews are the most visible race that make moves against them. but is it really the jews that control the world? no

911 was a kike operation through and through.
Global genocide of thenwhite race orchestrated by kikes.
Why do you bother lying?

jews only care about money and they have a victim complex that makes them whine and act as though they are being swindled when they are the ones doing the swindling. there is a cultural lack of empathy ingrained within them and they have no problem swindling people so visibly as the 1% you can see. this allows the higher elitists to properly position them as scapegoats to people like you so that you can fixate on a race and turn a blind eye to many other moves that are also happening that do not have any sort of jewish influence.

It's fake to quiet political dissidents

Anyone with those problems is on crack or meth and not artistic at all

You kikes have also tried this argument for years, on anywebsite where whites can talk honestly. This 1%, the elite. Its all freemasonry which is run by the rothschilds, kikes. Why do you bother lying jew?