a game for the whole family

How to play:
1. Go to google
2. Search "is [random word] racist?
3. Come back and post results
4. ????
5. Profit!

Attached: everything-is-racist-Spongbob-380[1].jpg (380x230, 18.17K)

Other urls found in this thread: stockmarket racist?&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS920US920&oq=is stockmarket racist?&aqs=chrome..69i57.11034j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


>"Is space racist"

First result:

Another one

"Is air racist"

fist result: Title "This Is How Racist Your Air Is"

>Is gardening racist?

Why of course!

>is walking racist guessed it

> is stock market racist? stockmarket racist?&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS920US920&oq=is stockmarket racist?&aqs=chrome..69i57.11034j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.36.24 PM.png (771x803, 164.07K)

>Is Judaism racist?

OP are you autistic? You understand you're linking opinion op-eds that use silly headlines to make a longer appeal, right?

are niggers racist?

Haha what a funny game! I think I will try it with my favorite "Seinfeld" actor. I haven't heard any news about him for a long time.

Attached: kramer.jpg (600x300, 30.88K)

Everything is an opinion piece in mass media today, and if you don't see that you're the one who's autistic.

>Is Judaism racist?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.42.08 PM.png (777x794, 169.39K)

So that's a yes, then? If you're too stupid to be able to tell the difference between reporting and writing opinion op-eds then maybe hold off on posting

this game is too much fun. Is swimming racist?

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.43.53 PM.png (699x846, 169.72K)

'Government is racism' when?

You can play it for hours and almost never come up empty. These people are insane.

>is being gay racist?

God you are an imbecile. What is and what isn't racist IS A MATTER OF OPINION, so the only things being written about that ARE OPINION PIECES. Why don't you do everyone a favor and get some more booster shots.

handy chart

Attached: racism.jpg (788x492, 45.38K)

Ok retard let's go slow. These articles are flashy headlines to draw in readers. They then use that to go into more nuanced takes on niche topics. "Is swimming racist?" Isn't an article on if swimming itself is racist. It's going to be about segregated neighborhoods and how ability to swim is linked to having income to spend on swimming lessons. As a food for thought small topic. You're genuinely fucking stupid.

Pinball machines? Indeed problematical

>You can play it for hours and almost never come up empty. These people are insane.
I just did motorcross

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 6.45.38 PM.png (855x802, 177.03K)

>cia login

Attached: 257C6EFA-0297-423D-9810-BF81D4215299.png (618x496, 20.86K)

>>cia login
it's just a prank. tab trolling.

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 4.38.53 AM.png (827x424, 295.56K)

I looked up 'is wiping your ass racist' but all I found was some unfunny youtuve video.