Did the South fight for Trans Rights?

did the South fight for Trans Rights?

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Trans-Am rights, definitely!

What? No, never. The secured mental ward is here for you so don't depend on anyone or your assets will be taken, assuming that would happen in the South.

the city of saint denis, in red dead redemption 2, despite being an analogue of new orleans in the game worlds version of the inbred redneck south, it is the most diverse city in the game.

No user but thank god neo conservatives hate Dixie because they’d be arguing that unironically. neo cons are niggers who don’t deserve heros like George Washington or Robert E. Lee and I’m proud to say even a degen like me is less shameful than them.

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No it fought for states rights in the war of northern aggression. Trans people would have been hung or stoned to death at that period of history. Like we should now.

States rights to let jews own slaves

Real life New Orleans at that time were peak white infact the largest lynching in the world took place there and it was Italians who they hanged for causing all the crime . Now it looks like hell brownland tho

Room temp iq take it wasn’t jews it was standing up for white people and fighting for independence


if the south had won the independent american states wouldnt have entered wwi over the lusitania

fippity bippity

The south were the good guys and they lost. If Lincoln could see what the slaves did with their freedom he would have surrendered.

Screw you organized crime was based

>Now it looks like hell brownland tho
Maybe if they hung all the niggers as well then it would stop crime there again.

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>” the mob broke into the city’s arsenal, grabbing guns and ammunition. As they ran toward the prison, they shouted, “We want the Dagoes!””
It wasn’t organized at that point it was just them killing people etc at disproportionate rate.

the blacks were forced in by General grants army as part of a humiliation ritual known as reconstruction where the federal government disenfranchised southern whites and removed their votes and forced blacks into where they lived

Well aware sadly.

Transgenderism is a form of autism. Not surprising he's wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog shirt.

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better link