Did we grossly overestimate our enemies?

They are so weak that they're literally on the verge of killing themselves over some honking. No counterprotests, no militias, no anything, they just gave up. Who knew it could have been this easy?

Attached: 1643588414538.png (585x666, 134.84K)

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The post in your image is a shill trying to give the convoy a bad image

Agreed, if this were true the images would be plastered everywhere

These are literally the same people that made micro aggressions a thing. I have never overestimated them.

Maybe when you'll go after the Jews you'll also realize this reality is easier to abuse than you'd think.

They also told us that protest were supposed to be disruptive when it was BLM.

>puts hat on statue

Do they not understand why we hate them so much?

Attached: 2387A215-34B4-4473-A9B3-CF8D62C0CC1C.jpg (1662x1247, 192.17K)

Useless idiots, yes
Your enemy, no

These fags aren't our enemies.

Kikes are.

At least even in their fake and gay story they admit the police can't do shit


Notice how they do not go to their neighbors & start their own counter-protest.

They don't know or care about neighbors. They would be so easy to defeat in a civil war scenario

These people were never the ones on top, their role in the ecosystem is to provide uninformed consent through naivety.
>Omg those bigots are trying to prevent the sunshine and rainbows act from passing!
>How can people still hate sunshine and rainbows in current year?
>We must stop them!

You faggots did
I've been saying these people couldn't beat the wind for 3+ years.

Hypocrisy is a way to win for them, they are incapable of self-reflection, and the truth does not matter. We cannot coexist.

not public deification it can't be

Ding ding! Perfect answer.

Attached: Basedcalling.png (521x937, 265.87K)


you did not over-estimate, you just dont understand. these people are not "scared" they are whatever they need to be in the moment. whatever they can benefit most from. thats why these people are so dangerous. total lack of humanity. their goal is relevance, anything they say regarding personal emotion should be treated as an attempt at manipulation. should all be put into one of those machines that crushes cars into cubes.

This is the ultimate lesson all white men need to learn, fast. Say this to your friends, your family, anyone who seems exhausted by them.
They can't be reasoned with. They can't be asked to listen. They are brainwashed zombies and the only thing that can be done is destroy them. That's it.
We tried being reasonable. That's over. Time to exterminate.


How dare these poor, WORKING CLASS fucks walk around and eat food in our progressive town of government parasites, bureaucrats, and white collar professionals?

This is why we need communism - the poor and working class should be as FAR from the reigns of power as possible. Instead, we should be ruled by the proletariat - that is, upper middle class academics and office drones like me :).

Yes. Our enemies are the government and big corporations. The sheep are completely useless and safe. If we win against the government they would lick our boots the same way they lick the boots of the NWO

The BLM protests and the way it was responded to by the political class was a real miscalculation on their part. It created a fracture within the republic. If their goal was engender a deep division that would never heal - mission accomplished

>Did we grossly overestimate
Yes? If nobody abides by the laws, ANY law, what do you think they are going to do? Bring the police? Even if only 1 million people in city are not going to follow it, how are they going to arrest them all? What if they all resist and start becoming violent? They could literally destroy the entire army.

Sadly, this will never happen and there will never be an event so large or targeted as to shift the zeitgeist away from their madness. They will do anything and sacrifice where ever possible to advance the ideology and utopia with no regard for what should have been done. They'll ally themselves across departments, across institutions, across states, across countries to fuel their efforts. The best I think we'll get is a right wing imitation of this lefty revolution, using their own tactics, to subsume their revolutionaries and the normies, but that is still a defeat of sorts and will see us go mad ourselves and/or be targeted by the world for it.