Go read it

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Not wrong. They grow into people that compare the apartheid state of Israel to Nazis.

It was incredibly boring, no thanks.

It was. Author had a thing anthropomorphic mice having sex and nude mice breasts.

Otherwise, "Shoah" is a better resource than "Maus" depicting the Holocaust. Liberals are fucking nuts.

People who grow up in the western hemisphere grow up calling every inconvenience as nazism.

The Holocaust started as a minor inconvenience to the oppressed peoples.....

>Oy vey didn't you See Sam Greenberg play the SS officer in the latest Hollywood film and gun down 20 Jewish pregnant women?

What is with jews depicting themselves as rats? I've flipped through this book and it is not for children.

Shouldnt have murdered 60 million soviet christians during their bolshevik communist revolution

I did, didn't really understand the praise. I guess the novelty of cartoon characters being in horrible circumstances would have carried it back in the 70s when it was published, but there are so many graphic novels that have done the same thing but better. Speigelman did nothing with the symbolism other than OOOH JEWS = RATS AND NAZIS = CATS GET IT??, & the retelling of his father's story was structured really strangely with long stretches of boring day-to-day interactions. It's literally structured like an old man trying to remember a story while telling it, which is what it's supposed to be, but doesn't make for a compelling novel.

Meant to correlate with the propaganda from the Nazis that Jews were rats, vermin. The rest of the anthro stuff is just a play on national animals/associated animals with that nation and Germans being cats.

Which btw, people love cats more than rats, so wouldn't people be more sympathetic to the Nazis? Dumb book.


But the holocaust was a minor inconvenience.

>literal cartoon history

I read Maus as a kid and now I hate jews and niggers

the rhetoric and vitriol going around right now is
not a minor inconvenience

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The holocaust never happened and any mention of the hoax should be penalized and holocaust materials burned.

everyone read maus in school among a myriad of other holocaust propaganda pieces

>cat appropriately deals with vermin

No, they grow up calling everyone that disagrees with them a nazi

> some fake controversy
I dont care and will ignore and vibe

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Nothing makes a man hate jews more than jews

Der Ewige Jude is an older movie that already compares Jews to rodents. Doubt this is any better.

>Author had a thing anthropomorphic mice having sex and nude mice breasts.
Now my penis is interested.

No thanks! I was already forced to read "night" by e-lie weasel in high school and the comedy in it was shitty and forced.


i recommend 1984 and animal farm first

read the jewish book

Making Germans cats is just stupid considering the historical hard-on Germany has for wolf imaginary.
It's weird reading about how you guys have literal holocaust classes. Here, it is just part of the Second World War when that comes up in history classes. Or at least, it was that way back then.

>Having your bodily autonomy stripped away by corporate-state conspiracy
>Minor inconvenience

Man's search for meaning might be the only holocaust literature i actually like because most of it is the author talking about how awesome being a (jewish) camp guard was and how "guilty" he felt about it. It actually explores an interesting part of the human psyche that deals with self preservation

next you'll tell me you don't like Alison Bechdel
all these kikes just doodle about their dads

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Maus is about Jews being compared to rats. So it's accurate.

At this point I wonder if the Holocaust was Germany’s attempt purge their equivalent of the Blue Checkmark class from Germany but they ran out of time trying to sort through all the people they had rounded up and panicked and killed a bunch of people they didn’t originally intend on killing