Why do we have to pay extra taxes to enjoy freedom?

Why do we have to pay extra taxes to enjoy freedom?

Cannabis should just have a regular sales tax on it.

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I cut down two platinum gorilla plants yesterday. should yield around three ounces after dry and cure. my unit cost is approx. $10 per ounce and there are no taxes to pay.

I'm a bit skeptical on the $10 figure. Assuming you are growing indoors, what could you rent the space for?

In my state you can only grow in your primary home, and a spare room could probably be rented for $1000 a month.

This. Here in AZ you can legally grow 12 plants per person. No taxes if you DIY.

If you buy from me, no tax at all.

SHIIIIEEET day need remoov da task on weed

outdoor/indoor. as much sun as I can get each day and then I move them under an sf-2000 led light to keep them vegging. once I flip to flower I use all sunlight and either leave them outside all the time, or move them into a dark room after 12 hours sun, depending on the time of year.

I thought it was 4.

6 per person, 12 max if there are two adults in the household.

In my state you can only grow inside your primary residence. I'm assuming that means the backyard is not legal.

I want true freedom...grow it in the front yard.

I wonder if they are going to fuck with people on seedlings. Like usually don't you plant extra seeds in case they don't all germinate, then thin out the extras if you get them?

israel dos not have legal cultivation

I started with seeds a couple of years ago as soon as it was legal and technically went over the limit at first. found good females and have been cloning those. 6 in flower, six in veg all the time. once all the flowering plants are done, I cut six clones from the vegging plants and then set them to flower. the clones become the next batch of vegging plants. so I'm always legal now with 12 plants at any given time.

you guys all have the same color id can i join

How do you clone them? Just take a cutting and plant it?

I really don't mind paying $35/cart. I think it's a fair, decent price.

arero cloner or jiffy plets and a humidity dome

> should just have
> a tax
how 'bout no

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Because the government is anti freedom. Always has been. Take the libertarianpill and vote libertarian. Fuck the two parties

cannabis is fairly cheap on the Ontario Cannabis Store or you can just grow it yourself

I wish I could smoke weed again without feeling schizophrenic.

Before tax: I'm slapping the cuffs on you. Get in the back seat of this squad car, fucking pothead.

After tax: it's all good now that we get a cut that we can use to buy votes.

I just buy it from some nigger who hangs around the corner store. I don’t know his name and he sells it for $10/g and I’ve never been caught.

I love weed being illegal.

highway robery

Vape indica dominant strains with moderate THC and high CBD

Freedom is when you can buy it for $20 a pound in the Costco produce section.

Grow it like corn - harvest with weed combines.

I paid $5 usd/g for legal leaf weed 2 years ago and it had taxes slapped on it. You're getting ripped off.

In AZ it's like 16% tax, plus the regular sales tax.